
I'm not willing to hold bitcoin. Especially after my last fluke loss (I had always said I wouldn't hold for longer than it took to exchange and the one time I decide to hold out it crashes hard lol)

I would love to be holding btc if there were a fork, but the chances of it happening without support from the exchanges (who are backing core) are just so low.

Their reasons seem both irrational but yet make total sense to me. Without the hardfork bitcoin can never scale to its full potential and become a real world currency. If the exchanges actually supported bitcoin unlimited, well they wouldn't currently be profiting from the rise of the alts and competition.

So it makes total sense that they would allow bitcoin to shoot itself in the foot and watch the rat-race and the punters place their bets raking in a percentage with every single trade.

stop stalking anyx girl

last warning

Hey Dan,

I am NOT worried about BTC. I don't see it going to ZERO! However I will continue to use my "thirds rule strategy" which you know where to find it. Let me know if have you any other questions or concerns.

Best regards,

third rule strategy? take up a loan and keep at least 3x your net worth in BTC?


After you have that 3x loan, then what?

Just let it sit?

Hope for BTC to "guarantee" to rise?

Or trade using "thirds rule strategy" to minimize risk or loss.


No I am joking. I hold about one third in BTC, and two-thirds in alts, and trade with around one third of total actively :)


Hold On for Dear Life

Glad to see some relation to "thirds rule strategy" ;)

Hey @dan-atstarlite! Article is very good, enjoyed reading.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts about the fork. I have been wondering myself if I should transfer my Bitcoin into Steem (or something else) just in case, but it wouldn't make much sense since the first is low and the latter is high. I've also been hearing about the speed and fees of/for transactions being matters of worries. I don't hold a fortune in my Bitcoin wallet, and the price now is still higher than when I bought some last year, so I, too, think I'm going to wait and see what happens.

When is the fork scheduled to happen?

Having never used bitcoin before, I don't understand any of this. Suppose I get myself a bitcoin wallet and put some bitcoins in it (however you do that). Now suppose that bitcoin forks. What happens then? You seem to be implying that my money would double, but how would that be the case?