Vinny Lingham and Brock Pierce Deliver a Great Interview, Check it Out!

in #bitcoin6 years ago

I don't often (or ever) post content here that I didn't create myself, but I came across this phenomenal interview with Vinny Lingham and Brock Pierce while doing some research on CIVIC, and I knew I had to share it with you all.

Both of these men are extremely well accomplished blockchain/crypto entrepreneurs and in this video they give great insight on the crypto-space and how it's developed so far.

You could say I'm a fan of Brock Pierce.
His mindset and philosophy are very well-aligned to this new realm of technology and the implications it can have for the masses.
And if you're wondering what the big deal is about this EOS thing... he'll give you a very nice little thought nugget in this interview.

Even though this video clip is over 2 months old, and since the time of its recording, cryptos have done very well;

I still came away with a strong sense of motivation to keep doing what I'm doing and keep educating anyone and everyone that I can about this amazing technology and how it is going to change the world.

If you've been looking for a video to share with your friends and family that are on the fence about this new tech, this is a good choice.
They cover topics like

  • Bitcoin
  • All of the forks
  • Steemit
  • Bitshares
  • EOS
  • ICOs
  • Future BTC price.

So without futher delay:
(Don't mind the homemade ads, you can skip through them)


Bitshares and Steem are the most used blockchains on the planet, way more than transactions per day than Bitcoin or ETH. See the truth at

EOS will be the first blockchain to go truly mainstream, Dan has learned so much from BTS/STEEM and now has the team and resources to create the HTTP/Windows/iOS of blockchains.

Brock has vision, Dan has skills and Brendan has business acumen. EOS easily has the best dev team on the planet; in my opinion EOS will be the first crypto to overtake BTC in market cap.

In terms of functionality and scaleability...EOS seems like a good bet to gain significantly. My only reservation is the ongoing $4 eos a good buy?

agree and note that you need to register your EOS tokens. go EOS!


Yes. I guess there is a registration process that you need to complete before the end of the sale.

I love! I hope they make BeOS on the blockchain with EOS. Loved BeOS! Now it's called Haiku.

Brock Pierce is a fucking genius.

I loved him too until I saw this childporn thing with him though :(

HI, I'm always happy to find other travel doc filmmakers here who also have a sense what's going on in the crypto world.

I'm an excited new follower of yours!


Hi @elenahornfilm :) thanks for the follow! I'll for sure checking out your stuff, love me some good travel footage.

Well, the curiosity and joy for discovery lays already in your name :-)

Nice, thanks for sharing

It's interesting to see how these experienced people think and spread their knowledge

Thanks for sharing. Introducing people to other experts can be as valuable as sharing new content in an easy to understand video. Thanks for all you do.

Only good use of a blockchain system is where the cost of trust is larger than the cost of managing the blockchain it's used for.That's all really.Many cryptocurrencies can't be an alternative to money, or anything that needs to be fast (and decentralized). The scaling issue isn't going to get solved because of the technological limitations.It has it's uses, but it's not economical in every use-case currently being developed. I wouldn't see it getting as big as the internet invention though, more like the invention of a better trust or contract holder/issuer.And I'm saying this as someone who 6x'd my investment in bitcoin, and having followed the field as closely as I could since 2013

Dude seriously? Not fast enough? Have you used BitShares? Or BlockPay?

OMG @heiditravels you did it again!! amazing video.. i love Brock and what he said has a lot of truth in it and I learnt a lot..
Thank you!!

So glad you shared this video. I found it to be thought provoking especially around the concept of ICO's and Utility Tokens going forward.

Informative and thanks for the video interview. waiting for your next update

Love This Week in Startups Thanks for sharing!

Very informative vedio. Covering all primary topics, which are very necessary for all crypto traders. Thanks

Very good post @heidtravels!

Thanks for sharing.

muzakirpb upvote, posting is perfect

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I always enjoy hearing what Vinny has to say, thanks for sharing @heiditravels

I've seen your video. I liked it very much. Through your video I realized that bitcoin has spoken very beautifully about what I need to know about Bitcoin I found it through your video that I learned

Well done you have posted a great video and do not give up keep it up...

Great video. Is Brock on Steemit?

Thanks on the video.I'd been thinking CIVIC might get a bump from the exquifax breach..but it hasn't really done that much since

This is an amazing piece. I didn't know Brock before this but loved the things he had to say.

These were some of my big takeways:

  1. Remaining agile
  2. "All value in life is captured when you are right about something and everybody else doesn't see it."
  3. "The wins are going to cover the losses."
  4. We are still MAD early to this game! Granted, things have changed over the past couple months since this was released, but man is this space ripe with potential and innovation.

Instead of blasting off "to the moon," as goes the popular nomenclature, I propose that we use this tremendous blockchain energy to heal our incredible planet Earth and provide a just and viable future for all living beings. Cheers!

Hi Heidi, if you want to add anything to great content like this then add chapters : ) I do it for the EOS talks at and people seem to enjoy it.

Declining the payout would be a better choice in the future in my opinion. But it is your choice what you do @heiditravels. Nice find.