Who Would You Trust? A Bankster? A Politician? Or Math?

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Who Would You Trust? A Bankster? A Politician? Or Math?

Would You Trust a Bankster?

Banksters are able to take your $3,000 and loan out $100,000. They can also actually create money out of thin air by giving you a credit card. They never have that money. When you run a transaction, the "money" gets created, and they can then charge you interest on something they didn't have.

In the old money changer days, they got stoned for selling more "gold certificates" than the actual gold they have in storage. It was called theft, but these days Fractional Reserve Banking is legal.

And why is it legal?

Would you Trust a Politician?

Fractional Reserve Banking is legal because of your friendly neighbor politician. Right or Left doesn't matter. Both sides know this is the case and they're not stopping it (unless you're talking about Ron Paul and a select few who've been warning people about it).

The same politicians who allowed for the creation and continuance of the Federal Reserve (which is neither Federal nor do they have any Reserves).

The Federal Reserve creates money out of thin air (seeing a trend here?) and then uses it to buy US Treasuries and then charges the US government the interest... in other words, you and I!

The Federal Reserve who has kept interest rates at or near zero, destroying your savings and causing the prices of real estate to go sky high.

Politicians who promise one thing on the campaign trail, but then do not deliver, and shift your attention to other things so you forget what they promised or said. Demagogues who will say anything to get elected and hope your memory doesn't go far back enough to remember their prior stances or positions.

Maybe you trust the people who work at government offices who don't ever get fired, and who are not elected and not held accountable, and have little incentive to keep us happy. Us, the people who pay their salaries.

Or Would You Rather Trust Math?

You can't rig it. You can't bribe it. It doesn't lie.

It does things much faster and efficiently.

Math won't freeze your accounts. Can't stop you from crossing a border carrying more than a certain amount of your assets.

Math can't steal your money and say it's legal because it is a tax!

Math won't make secret deals with big corporations to siphon resources from other countries.

Math won't create Fake News in the hopes of getting you to do something, fear something, or vote for something a certain way.

Math is stable. Reliable. Constant. Repeatable.

On one hand, the old system which has been used to turn you into a debt slave, and on the other you have cryptos and the blockchain.

So... who are you going to trust?

Good fortune to you, and as always, thank you for sharing your Light with me.

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Bitcoin: 12Npj8xAAKnf7EJxZStgeecpniE1pbSvcd
Ether: 0x2636538545ebbcea63fd47af1d4fe3e27f5c3936
Dash: XjGWDB7twAHiN9jk3RUmcQRHq6FxvHvYJu
Litecoin: LN4DeZwJDgTbcaXoBXatrGq2JaXVfkMdi5
ZCash: t1fwHkzXfNGCDV19Xq9esWkCRLcCQFcDddN
And Doge, just because it's Doge: D7wuTkhicw2P2vwKx49RXJ9dhVJoXJoKTQ