If this doesn't say why the world needs Bitcoin, I don't know what does

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)

Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction.

Yes, those are gold bars scattered all across a Russian runway.

According to reports, a plane leaving the Yakutsk airport in Russia lost some very precious cargo.

How precious you might ask?

Well, according to these reports, the Nimbus Airlines AN-12 Cargo Plane attempted to take off with literally tons of gold, platinum, and diamonds on board.

The plane had problems with the take off and much of this precious cargo fell out and was scattered all over the runway.

(Source: http://siberiantimes.com/other/others/news/plane-loses-its-368-million-cargo-of-gold-platinum-and-diamonds-on-takeoff/)

Talk about a bad day!

It gets worse for the crew...

As the plane continued it's take off, more and more of these precious items continued to fall out of the plane.

As the plan continued to fly, it was reported that some gold bars were dropped as far as 26 kilometers from the Yakutsk airport.

For those of us that live in the US, that is roughly 16 miles away from the original take off!

Upon learning of what was going on, the crew eventually decided to land at a nearby airport in Magan, which was about 26 kilometers northwest of Yakutsk.

It was originally en route to Krasnoyarsk.

In total, roughly $368 million in gold and other precious metals fell out of the plane.

(Source: http://siberiantimes.com/other/others/news/plane-loses-its-368-million-cargo-of-gold-platinum-and-diamonds-on-takeoff/)

Someone is not going to be happy...

It was not made clear whether all of the dropped metals were recovered as of yet.

The cargo was owned by Chukota Mining and Geological Company. Which is 75% owned by Canadian Kinross Gold.

This, more than just about anything else, is why the world needs bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. That same amount of value could have been sent to its final destination with a few mouse clicks and been done in less than 20 minutes.

The full news release can be seen here:


Stay informed my friends.

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Follow me: @jrcornel

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These guys are transporting hundreds of millions in gold and precious metals on a rickety Soviet-era plane? LOL

I'd like to meet the genius that came up with this brilliant plan.

We are moving $368 million but we want to make sure we save money on shipping. :)

Quite an interesting article. And very unfortunate for the world who doesn't consider cryptocurrency. Thanks for sharing.

actually i saw it in the tv, that's kinda funny, plane itself just crashed? tuff to believe :D

Thanks for the article linking real events to an existing solution. My first though was with the people who are involved and perhaps have their survival entirely relying on mining gold. Here in Zimbabwe, and many African countries a lot of investment and effort is put toward gold production and I think that gold is here to stay forever. Imagine if all the electricity suddenly for some weird reason, disappears...where will we start off? Gold I guess. Gold and clean water 1st then crypto and everything else next. I see coin logos coloured in gold...as a way of reflecting how valuable it is. I imagine 50 years from now, crypocurrency having led to a steep rise in Gold prices. Guess why?

it might take decades for btc to take over gold... maybe a good strategy is to invest regularly in btc.

Maybe indeed.

Hahha, yeah I just read the news and I was like even this doesn't make them think that time has come to change our centuries old money system.
The thing is, this kind of incident doesn't has to happen to make our governments realize that they should adopt blockchain and cryptos, it shoudl be obivious.

One would thing there should be an easier store of value out there...

You don't know how heavy that stuff is until you own some. A kilo of gold is smaller than your wallet, but if you put it where you wallet goes, your pants will droop a bit on that side.

Why couldn't that had happened at the airport i live by. Would be out the door with my metaldetector in a sec :D

Haha and with gold there is even less of paper trail than with bitcoin. Yet no one says that should be outlawed...

They will be finding gold and diamonds etc for years to come. Let’s get the metal detectors out!!

Damn, too late again. I am always too late for those airdrops!

Haha nice. That is funny!

Yeah someone is probably extremely upset about this - I do wonder though, if any civilians got to pick some up and keep it? Imagine, you're walking along, minding your own business and suddenly gold bars are dropping out of the sky! As long as no one got hit in the head with one, that would be such an interesting experience lol!
Nonetheless, yes, this is just yet another example of what positive effects cryptocurrency can have on the world. Thank you for sharing!

"Ivan, you had ONE job!! To the gulag!

Ici C'est Russia

Wow.. Gold literally falling out of the sky, what next, pigs flying, money trees? Oh, speaking of pigs, maybe the next crypto currency should be called "Bacoin"...

Getting the math right...helps. Whatever your job is.

Yup, probably in a not so distant or near future, this won't happen anymore, hopefully...

nice post.great job,

Thanks for sharing cryptocurrency update providing news.
I appreciate your blog.. thanks for

Wow!! What a nightmare. I’d hate to be on the receiving end of the angry CEO who is having a very bad day after this. I have heard of Kinross Gold before. I am very curious if this has had any effect in their stock price. I hadn’t heard about this in the news so maybe it’s been a well hidden mistake. Obviously not well enough. Lol Bitcoin solves so many problems!!!

I already Upvote you friend. may we be brothers

Am not to be happy for this one all market dump lol

Super! =]

Good point. That's why I really think crypto is the next generation of digital money and investing. Good thing they noticed it in runway. Who knows how much gold has scattered to "who knows where" while flying?

Very bad news for the owner of the material....
I have got a better idea,whynot convert it into steem and send it instantaneously with no transaction fee...

Man....I haven't found a single gold bar today............yet!

Definitely a bad day. I've been through that airport and safety is not a major concern there. Its close to the arctic circle.

Obviously not well enough. Lol Bitcoin solves so many problems!!! ilike this post...thanks brother

correct me if i am wrong, but what blocks a politician to have one official wallet that is transparent to everyone and another one which he maintains hidden where we can still receive the bribery? As the address is anonymous and any person can have unlimited addresses for multiple purposes.

A very good point shahaan.

True, but also BTC can be stolen just with a few mouse clicks.

Good point.

True, but you can protect yourself with Mixing, Cold storage? No?

Dangerous too, a gold bar could have fallen on someone's head.

Stuff for Hollywood !

Talk about pennies from heaven!! Oh and they are going to lose even more money if the falling gold killed anyone or damaged some property. Of course the bar might be more than the damage. One of those check the rate of the bar atm you sue sort of thing lol.

Yeah, I'm buying your point. Similar with as how computers lessen the use of material like papers. Bitcoin to commodities/assets (or whatever you call it) like gold should be made the same. I feel sorry for the accident, and lucky are those who spotted one that fell from the plane.

Yes, well said. I am not sure it will replace it, as gold has been around for thousands of years as a store of value. But it will certainly take some of that market, which is good enough to make bitcoin much more valuable than current prices indicate.

Well, everything takes time and changes are drastic.

hehe gold as a store of value in 2018

Why bitcoin is easy more than any other way.


There are so many transaction method and currency system. But why is the most important than any other.


Я просто недоумеваю как можно было отправить в полет такой ценный груз на одном самолете . И на таком поломанном самолете. Действительно лучше использовать биткоин, видимо мы живем в прошлом веке потому что видим это.

If that situation happened in my country Venezuela I can assure you that the ingots that fell would not appear and of course the load with which the plane landed would not be even half of the declared officially. So that they understand a bit the degree of corruption that we face every day. Greetings.

oh..my...god, i'm just never at the right place at the right time

If anyone thinks or says that the world doesn’t need Bitcoin, then it’s fine but the Blockchain technology is something that world needs and that’s why Bitcoin is so precious. In fact, now it’s not just about Bitcoin but the whole Crypto world and also the upcoming ICOs. With projects like Vivid rising up, it only makes everything look much greater in every graph. It’s an upcoming ICO with the presale phase running on having 20% bonus, so makes it the hottest deal. https://vividtoken.com/

It always makes me laugh when I hear people say they love blockchain tech but aren't a fan of bitcoin. If they truly understand the tech, they will know that without an incentive token that has value, the whole network basically ceases to exist.

I want some of it

That is pretty crazy for sure. What a mess. The gold bars might have held up better than boxes full of Ledger Nanos that could fall out of the bottom of an airplane. LOL

Hopefully Bitcoin stays strong I just began my portfolio challenge! Check it out: https://steemit.com/crypto/@pyrrhic7/can-a-newbie-dump-eur3000-into-the-bear-market-and-survive

Thanks for the way of writing. It helps to understand the importance of cryptocurrency through a true story.

The term was often misused but this is an EPIC FAIL like from the school books. :D

I would love to to be bombarded by those!

Gold is better tgen BTC cuz you can but physical Gold coins whereas you can not buy BTC. These rare piecies of gold scattered on runway have much more inmportance then BTC. World is after BTC, but near future people will definitly come to grief

That is crazy! Imagine living in the flight path and having a few gold bars drop into your back yard!

Wow that's just crazy but yet cool to see. I hope nobody got hurt. Someone didn't do the math right lol seems like they overloaded it haha

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