How to popularize Bitcoin's champion?

in #bitcoin11 months ago (edited)


We'll call it here first. The hypothetical crypto that would one day surpass Bitcoin shall be called Bitcoin's champion, the worthy successor. It's better than Bitcoin's killer. If such a thing is within the realm of possibilities, do you think it'd be:-

  • an easier thing to build?
  • an easier thing to explain?

Let's say if you think Bitcoin's champion is a thing that's easier to build and explain than Bitcoin, how can any crypto be any simpler and easier to build than Bitcoin? This is just not the direction to go. Bitcoin's champion is definitely much harder to explain and build if such a thing is really possible. It'd require a lot of thinking.

But why worry if it's easy or difficult to explain the technology? If Bitcoin's champion is really so great, wouldn't it affect the market in very real ways and have the market work in its favor? Explanations and debates are useless. Let the market work its magic. The market has the ultimate say in what's better or worse than the other.

That's very true (we think?) but if we're to assume that Bitcoin's champion is something that's very difficult to build, then it could very well be the case that the blockchain / mainnet is still not even out yet. Hence, we'd have to tackle the marketing side of things if we want to popularize Bitcoin's champion before its mainnet. We'd have to contend with the fact that it's a hard thing to explain. Again, it'd require a lot of thinking.

Speaking of thinking..


If your investment thesis requires the ability to think, it will likely underperform. Something a child gets excited about and understands will yield the highest returns.

We agree with the penguin's statement, especially if we consider the amount of scams / misinformation / bad information on the Internet these days, especially with generative content. Pure speed easily wins. This is why the simplest, scammiest, funniest cryptos are flying past your super legit highly advanced crypto aka Bitcoin's champion. They require almost zero thought.

So in light of these seemingly impossible odds of getting a serious tech that requires much more explanation than the usual cashgrab, there are only really 3 ways to market Bitcoin's champion effectively in an information-overloaded society:-

  1. Create a meme army and recruit emerging memelords. As our take for Bitcoin's champion is / $AGRS, we think making 10-hour loops of the founder saying there'll be no need for other blockchains might work. Or hire this guy from TikTok. That and Twitter (or X) summoning circles. This is the memefication brute-force method.

  2. If Bitcoin's champion is really a thing, it must have a great story brewing as well yeah? It's not just the technology. Stories of the developers and supporters against overwhelming odds could make for something fantastic. What do you think we're trying to do here? (we have no idea wtf we're doing here)

  3. This third way is by far the most extreme and effective: get a nation interested in adopting Bitcoin's champion as part of its strategy. In our case, an AI/crypto strategy. Imagine being Singapore announcing a strategy involving the world's most serious AI/crypto project with full seriousness, providing deep legit serious insights, and just generally showing good serious thought leadership. This will even get the crypto degens to look into it. Finally an actually powerful solution to build a solid foundation for their family and dynasty. The days of crypto nihilism are over. Sometimes the backing and authoritative voice of a reasonably large and well respected institution could be all that's needed if something is too serious and too complicated to be memed initially. Low risk, exceptionally high reward with the chance of becoming a legendary nation.

Think about (3) if you're a gov worker looking to improve your motherland. It'll probably just cost under $10m for your country to setup a solid treasury and research/executive task force. That's peanuts. We've already given you guys the best AI/crypto to rally behind.

Anything else will be underwhelming and uninspiring. The Bitcoin strategy has already been snagged by El Salvador anyway. What else can you do? Announce a PEPE strategy? Maybe if you think that's really Bitcoin's champion.


I think that's the whole interesting thing about money/currency. It is largely fiction. It only works if everyone believes in it. So part of the story is not only finding those to convince, but convincing them that everyone will believe the same story.

Hey man, anomadsoul here. Glad to see you posting on LeoFinance!

Have you tried the new user interface? It would be awesome to have an OG try it out!

By the way, nice post, leo.voter seal of approval :D

yo! u're still here xD

i tried using it the other day, seems kinda buggy? do you mean the thread/twitter like ui?

Yeah man, still here hahaha I thought you weren't but glad to had stumbled upon you while curating.

Yes, the Twitter like UI.

There are still some bugs but we're working almost 24/7 to polish them. If you ran into many bugs you might've been running an older version haha usually a hard refresh and cache works wonders.

Are you gonna be in Rosarito this year? Would be cool to catch a beer once more

Threads doesn't add to the main blog yeah? I'll try it if so then. Nope mehico is a little too far for me this time around :D

No it doesn't, it's a comment in the backend, so no autovotes, no spam posts, no nothing fren.

Yeah totally understandable, Rosarito is proving to be a complicated destination, if it had been Cancun maybe it would be different, but it's still very close to the US which is a win!

Maybe for 2024 man 🍻🍺

In the end, only true projects with solid community such as #Hive will emerge victorious, other get-rich-quick-scam of a project will simply fade into oblivion