Bitcoin Gold Blockchain not live yet.. But Can be Traded!

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

After Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Gold is the next split chain and hardfork of BTC.

This one is pretty much not good at all, unknown team, lack of replay attacks and while snapshot was already taken the blockchain will start at 1st November.

It uses short name of BTG and some people bought and pumped this old coin due to mistake.

BitGem trades mostly on Cryptopia and used to be pretty dead.

Despite lack of blockchain some exchanges gave their users BTG balances already like BitFinex and HitBTC (remember they often have good prices on STEEM there!) who added trading! Yobit is a spot i would never touch but this 2 are legit along with chinese Binance .

HitBTC Volume/Price

BFX Volume/Price

Notice over 0.02 BTC per coin difference between the two exchanges.

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Yep it's dropping pretty hard. This one seems shady...premined and no replay protection. Sketchy. I think Segwit 2X will do well though...only time will tell. In the meantime I'll be loading up on Vertcoin. "The People's Coin." Good luck everyone.

Yep it's dropping pretty hard. This one seems shady...premined and no replay protection. Sketchy. I think Segwit 2X will do well though...only time will tell. In the meantime I'll be loading up on Vertcoin. "The People's Coin." Good luck everyone.

Only 21 mil... Sorry, only 48 m... Okay, final bid, only 84 milli... Wot, even more?

So far 105 million Bitcoin will possibly ever created. Now what would Satoshi Nakamoto have thought about this Game of Clones?

Wonder where it says in the BTC whitepaper: "Thou shall forking clone the Bitcoin blockchain as much as possible..."

Ah well, Litecoin and Vertcoin starting to look better all the time. Soon they will be more scarse than Bitcoin. VTC with stealth, going places.

Next up B gone Bitcoin?

really 105 million btg's? i'll need to look into that

Sounds like hes talking about the additional forked btcs... but they are not the real true btc, they have other names and are traded well below the btc price so the coin limit still is in place as far as i know :)

You are right, glad you got it. ;-)

Indeed they are not real true BTC. And as they should drop into oblivion, as they took BTC coins already mined, by cloning that blockchain.

There can be only one... BTC, the real first Bitcoin blockchain.

It is all these forking clones, that add another 21 million Bitcoin. BTC will have 21, like Satoshi had in mind. The splitters add 21 million with every new forking clone, like BTG, BCH, BTU and B2X. In effect this will take value out off the first ever Bitcoin blockchain, BTC and move it to these forked blockchain clones.

It is ironic to read these people that make these forking clones call themselves Bitcoin purists... Sure, this was how Satoshi Nakamoto wanted it. Split the BTC blockchain up in 5 different kinds adding to a grand total of 105 million.

It is all these forking clones, that add another 21 million Bitcoin. BTC will have 21, like Satoshi had in mind. The splitters add 21 million with every new forking clone, like BTG, BCH, BTU and B2X. In effect this will take value out off the first ever Bitcoin blockchain, BTC and move it to these forked blockchain clones.

It is ironic to read these people that make these forking clones call themselves Bitcoin purists... Sure, this was how Satoshi Nakamoto wanted it. Split the BTC blockchain up in 5 different kinds adding to a grand total of 105 million.

The beauty of open source software is anyone can try to make a better version than the original. To say a 'one road approach' is the only method would be ridiculous at best. The way to innovation is attempting change and moving forward. Bitcoin Legacy has become very centralized which goes against the very core principles of Bitcoin itself. I see these new coins as stepping stones into the future.

If nothing else, they help us identify and fix the centralization which is occurring in legacy BTC. Segwit is the devil in sheep's clothing.

Where's the Wallet?

You want to upstage a major currency and you're dropping the ball in every court? Not good, not a good show at all...

GPU? How Utterly WASTEFUL!

GPU mining of BTC is massively wasteful, compared to Asics.

Free Open Source software is great. To that we thank Bitcoin, Linux and so much more. And I do not say only one road approach, my portfolio has almost as much value in Alts as Bitcoin, the real one: BTC.

That is not what my reply is about. But I have come across worse when I called the other wanna be
forking clones. New coins, like Vertcoin, although that one is not even that new anymore, add something to the Cryptos realm and I have invested in VTC too. Will be great to see it rock when Stealth gets added in again.

But, not in forking clones like BCH, they just cloned the first ever Bitcoin blockchain. While these clone makers claim they are being true to the whitepaper of Satoshi, oh sweet irony. Well, that could maybe even be true if they had the guts to start from zero. With a genessis block, thus creating a real unique blockchain.

Litecoin did it, Bitcoin Fast did it, Vertcoin did it and thousands more. That is what it is about. Now it is just getting value out of the original Bitcoin blockchain and using that to create a fake marketcap value.

That is why I find this all very ironic. No guts, no glory. Do they not like SegWit, make a real fork, like all the other Altcoins dared to do. And I have been used to getting retoric answers when it comes to forking clones discussions. In the end I just laugh about it all, take the value of yet another splitter by dumping them right away and buy me some Cryptos with guts. Like VTC.


And do I agree on the ASIC centralisation part. Which is basicly a Bitcoin issue. So let new Free Open Source cryptos come! Innovate, decentralize everything. All thumbs up for that.

Who else will be mining gold mov 1st? Can't wait ;)

All these forks are really becoming confusing.

It was such a good name but what a horrible team and setup this screams cash grab by China their lead developer and creator.

not to mention the pre-mine!

Yeah, they had a good advertising :))

It’s already dropping like a stone, adds nothing new and is just a distraction at best and a danger or worst.

crap coin

Yea, horrible all around, there's nothing new behind it and you know it wasn't going to be good when the big exchanged didn't even pick it up. A plus side though would be that it jumped up a lot of the alt coins. I guess it would be a good time to get into bitcoin while it's down also. What do you think about SegWit2x?

Even though you can trade it before the blockchain is live, I'm not even going to consider it unless I see a big change in the general sentiment about this fork. For the reasons you stated it seems like it will be a failed attempt at hijacking Bitcoin. That Bitgem pump was hilarious though, I really hope someone out there was clever enough to see the chance for that mistake ahead of time and take advantage of it lmao

In my opinion, Bitcoin hard forks are a joke and are hurting Bitcoin very much. The whole market is realizing the ease with which new bitcoins can be created and it confuses people. Forks must stop. Soft forks can be an option where transactions can be made faster and blocksize can be optimized for speed. Gold, silver, cash, 2x etc. are bringing a bad name to Bitcoin and will hurt its adoption too.

I completely agree. From an outsiders perspective it just adds confusion and prevents wider adoption.

Actually, to an outsider it looks like random free money appearing from thin air and makes BTC look even more awesome to have..

I’m afraid I disagree. Crypto is confusing from annoysiders perspective and if it keeps on making up new coins which appear to create money from nowhere it adds to the confusion and looks more like a scam.

I’m afraid I disagree. Crypto is confusing from annoysiders perspective and if it keeps on making up new coins which appear to create money from nowhere it adds to the confusion and looks more like a scam.

What a controversy! Are the forks good or bad? Everybody loves the money split, but on the othe way they don't want to accept the other ways of doing business with crypto.

The forks are bad and the 'free money' is just an illusion. Btc dropped by over $500 after the fork although it has recovered a little now.

More furious until up coming silver replace bitcoin ...

The forks are bad and the 'free money' is just an illusion. Btc dropped by over $500 after the fork although it has recovered a little now.

The forks are bad and the 'free money' is just an illusion. Btc dropped by over $500 after the fork although it has recovered a little now.

A fork i don't think will amount to much, I really don't like it.
can just be a money maker for the guys on top.

Does not look like a golden opportunity to me.

Thanks for inform

Thanks for the post @kingscrown ive been pumping small amounts into a bunch of icos latley, hoping for the best . I always stop by your blog for the latest news on several of them . I dont think im going to buy any btg , ill keep an eye on it for sure , thanks again and resteemed .

Hi Steve. I just got into crypto and now at the stage where I’m learning about ICO’s.Can you let me know who you follow for leads on these? There seems to be a lot of opportunism and scams involved so it’s confusing.

I always heard of "never getting into an ICO, unless they are already in the list of Coin Market Cap." If that helps you...

Thanks mate. I’ll make a mental note of it.

It is super confusing , but ; i just picked one and went with it , there are many here on steemit that have great knowledge and fundamentals towards cryptos . The way i started was just opening a coinbase account and just watching . I still haven't bought any of the big coins , but i do have several ico s purchased and i just sit on them and wait . Reasearch reaseach research is the key in my belief , just start somewhere and the learning will begin . Like i said i started out by opening a coinbase account and just observing

thanks for your information.

Great info. Thank you :) Best wishes always.
@splendorhub logo.png

Thanks for sharing. I've been reading about replay attack, will trading of BTG cause such attack for BTC?

Any decent exchange/wallet that issues you btg ought to have replay in place. You need to check with your wallet/issuer.

Even Coin base has not officially supported BTG.So I feel it's better watch this for couple of weeks before investing in it.

Thank you for sharing! :)

Hello kingscrown nice work l love it. Thanks

Did Bittrex already give out BTG?

Thanks for Sharing such an informative post @kingscrown i am new in crypto please guide me. Which currency i can buy for the long term and short term?

Wow Amzing @kingscrown time to try trading in Bitcoin Gold now ... Thanks for sharing Upvoted and Followed

In my opinion, Bitcoin hard forks are a joke and are hurting Bitcoin very much. The whole market is realizing the ease with which new bitcoins can be created and it confuses people. Forks must stop. Soft forks can be an option where transactions can be made faster and blocksize can be optimized for speed. Gold, silver, cash, 2x etc. are bringing a bad name to Bitcoin and will hurt its adoption too.

Gold most surely DOES NOT bring a bad name to BTC. Gold has been valuable for thousands of years, it brings extra value to BTC.

nice post
i am new heare please help me,

We have to just wait and see for what is coming next. Survival for the fittest.

It is better to wait on this one .
Who knows what will it come out with!

After Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Gold is the next split chain and hardfork of BTC-amazing opportunity,,,

Bitcoin started to lose value after the hard fork and the Bitcoin Gold fiasco! At least it had a good, promising name :)

bitcoin my future currency .....
ETN is coming soon

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Bitcoin gold rhymes with shitcoin gold

I sold mine immediately on HitBTC

BTG is trading at a stable value of $157.10 at 10:04 am GMT +2 (

BTG does allow and attract more miners now because of GPU mining. The negative aspect currently is that major exchanges are not accepting BTG due to security concerns. That definitely effected the BTG price.

doesnt seem very legit to be frank!!!

Oh this bad situation in btg

Fantastic post!

Just bunch of greedy sherlocks trying to mess the bitcoin up. They are now caught up in their own mess. What a woeful way to go

@kingscrown The users who have BTC in their wallets so they can avail BTG on
BTG would be pumped in future or dumped in future, what do you say?

Thanks for sharing

to me a money maker for the guys on the top...
Don't like it much

to me a money maker for the guys on the top...
Don't like it much

BitcoinGold, another stupid mistake from Mining Pool's corporations.
Honestly if you look rationnaly at Bitcoin, it is overvalued.
Other cryptos are better, faster, more secure and cheaper.

Many crypto traders sold their alt coins to invest more in Bitcoin just os they can get free Bitcoin Gold. Hence, why the price of Bitcoin shot up so much last week. Such a shame there needs to be so many variations of Bitcoin. We don't need Bitcoin Gold in my opinion.

Good Info Helped a Lot

I had high hopes for BTG but i guess it was just not managed very well by the team, What do you think of the next coming split?

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