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RE: Bitcoin (BTC) Evening Update: One more Lower Low for Wave V of C....What does this mean? Check out my analysis!

in #bitcoin6 years ago

I've been attacked by Bernie again. If you care to, you might upvote these posts:

I'm really discouraged. Not trading-wise, that's going fabulous. But it's getting a lot less fun here. Perhaps I'll just keep an eye on his YouTube channel.


Man! I've been downvoted to (21)!!!!

Well, you were back to 28 before my 100% upvote, and now you're at 35! :)

I self-upvoted them both. The first one is back positive now, so you can ignore that one. Thanks, have a great Christmas.

Use the MUTE Button click on the little down arrow next to the name and you will find the MUTE button.

Upvoted resteemed leave more links I’ll support with 100% upvoted Merry Xmas stay happy and healthy my friend! Keep up the good fight your doing it for us all! Stay positive and we will prevail!!😃👍🤓

Best way to deal with internet trolls is to ignore them. Don't feed them and they die.

if you only see the youtube channel you will miss out on his blogs...I hve up voted you, always up vote Haejin as he is a kind sharing man , not a genital & scallop like bernie f***tard the positives out weigh the negatives & Trolls....go back under the bridge Bernie....It's where you belong... I cannot understand why he hasn't been blocked from steemit because of his vile nature...perhaps he thinks he owns Steemit...But he doesn't own me or the community... Oh & a very merry Christmas to all & Huge profits in the New Year!

Thanks, you're right, his commentary is also important. I'm feeling better today. Especially with that article about randowhale that @haejin resteemed a few hours ago.

Hit them where it hurts! The only thing I care about here is the visibility of my posts. I've decided to self-upvote from now on (since there's a checkbox for that, it can't be "the worst thing you could possibly do here"), not to reward myself but to make it a little more effort for crying angry troll whales to make me invisible.

They still haven't brought my reputation down more than 0.1%! See

Thanks for posting it here , berniesanders is calling some big whale of steem to attack @haejin . They can cause serious trouble for @haejin . @haejin's followers must be aware about this underlying issue .

I support you friend. I wrote a post about berniesanders’ bullying and tactics and his army of bots. I’m waiting for him to attack my post.feel free to check it out

I also upvoted your posts and comments and followed

Done my friend

Upvoted both too

Done. Although -- I really like that you've triggered him to write a script to constantly look for your posts and downvote them.

You're in his brain. He's infected. :)