What is Fate & Future of Bitcoin | Top Billionaires Opinions | Should you Invest ?

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Fate & Future of Bitcoin | Top Billionaires Opinions

Hey Steemians,

Bitcoin is the digital currency which has been hitting record life time highs and people have made a fortune from this Cryptocurrency who stayed invested in it since years. A lot of traders as well as investors have speculative investments in Bitcoin assuming or seeing Unlimited Growth with No Upper Limit in BTC.

But not everyone, even after seeing huge growth in this Digital Currency, is in favor of investing in Bitcoin. Even the most respected Billionaires in world have very different opinions on Bitcoin.

Warren Buffett, one the most reputable and respected Wall Street Investor worldwide feels that Bitcoin is not the currency worth to be stay invested in. In his last interview with CNBC in 2014, he has particularity advised to stay away from Bitcoin. Rather after his advice, we have seen Bitcoin telling clearly to everyone that SKY IS THE LIMIT.

In the latest interview with CNBC, Saudi Billionaire Alwaleed bin Talal also have the similar or even harsher view in Bitcoin. He mentioned that Bitcoin doesn't not make sense because it is not regulated, not under anyone's control or supervision. Obviously because it is a decentralized digital currency. He might be referring to Government in this scenario. He further extended his view comparing Bitcoin to Enron, as US energy trading giant declared bankrupt in 2001 leading to massive financial fraud.

Last month we also heard Jamie Dimon, JP Morgan CEO referring Bitcoin as a Fraud which will blow up eventually. He also issued a statement mentioning that he will expel any trader in a second who tried to get into Cryptocurrency.

We also have people who are great fans of Bitcoin as well as Blockchain Technology and Richard Branson, Billionaire Entrepreneur is one of them. He has referred Blockchain as "Economic Revolution". He has also shared his views about benefits of using Blockchain Technology to solve the problem of Land Titling System majorly in developing countries where titles are forged and legitimate property owners are cheated. He has been organizing Annual Blockchain Summit since two years personally on his islands to discuss and share numerous ideas and partnerships amongst Blockchain Entrepreneurs and Enthusiasts.

I too personally believe in Bitcoin & Blockchain potential but I am not a certified financial advisor. Everyone, I believe, should have their on study and research before investing in any Cryptocurrency. Infact any kind of investments should be done carefully and at  your own risk.

Please share your opinions. Your comments/suggestions are most welcomed.
Follow & Upvote | @pkalra


I think there is still plenty of room for growth. Plenty of people are still not aware of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.

Yes you are right @pbgreenpoint
People who are unaware of the technology are the one's scared of it or talking irrelevant about it!

Bitcoin might hit $8000 at the end of the year.

I believe it will touch $10k @rkrijgsman

Bitcoin might hit $8000 at the end of the year.

After reading your post my mind say yes

Great @syedabuabdillah
If you are sure of what you are doing, you wont regret your decisions later. All the best. Cheers!

Jamie Dimon should not be considered since he also bought Bitcoins himself after the price dropped :D

LOL.. Okay.. We wont consider him @lrd

there'll be more room for growth for btc..patience pays off

very helpfull.
follow and

I certainly learned a lot from your posts. Very informative. You have certainly spent a lot of time and efforts.Thank so much @pkalra for sharing.

Thank you for your post! It looks like we are brothers. :)

LOL.. Yeah from the profile picture, we definitely are @goodmindset

Yeah, ​only my beard is already grey. :)

I see it running extremely high in future, as the online world itself is growing rapidly and within next 10-15 years, it is certainly that even 1 BTC will be life changing. So, that’s why we to prepare for it. I am very much ready and it helps a lot with options like Cryptonetix, as they are sure shot hit and one could gain massively! I have made over 1k investment and it is sure to make be healthy returns before 2017 comes to an end! http://cryptonetix.com

Wish you luck for your investments @djlakhany

Don't know about the "fate" of bitcoin, but the blockchain technology is here to stay, forever.

Yeah, that is for sure @nehomar

This is very useful @pkalra, Thanks for share👌🏻

Thank you @myaceh

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If ya'll want a strong investment plan visit https://bitpetite.com/?aff=kipparinga (bitpetite) Its a bittumbler that privatizes btc transactions using other currencies. You as an investor get paid dividends from fees they charge people to use their service.

You can invest your BTC, ETH, LTC and or XMR into bitpetite for either;
6 weeks - 4.5% daily and 1 % on weekends. Total return - 147% (47%, 100% being your original investment)
9 weeks - 3.6% daily 1% on weekends. Total return - 180% (80%, 100% being your original investment)

They recently updated their server to allow almost instantaneous withdrawals - you get paid hourly through dividends and can withdraw on demand. (within the minimum amount which is less than 5 dollars)

I would deem it low - medium risk as of now -

Good luck and happy investing :)

information impotant