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RE: 1000 followers so a BIG thanks! And an update on what I am up to on Steemit:

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Can I kindly ask you to vote for me as witness, I am just a minnow.. But i also spend some time to build a witness server to make my dream come true.. ! It's a free service and appreciate it so much.. THX[witness_rival.gif]


Voted you as witness.

Thank you very very much.. I hope I will get more votes so I can achieve my dream..

I will investigate what witness is.

Witnesses are the people who run node servers. They are the ones keeping the block-chain online. If all nodes go offline, the site goes offline. They also vote on important decision regarding the development of the blockchain.

Congratulation for 1000 followers

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment
 7 years ago  Reveal Comment