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RE: 3 Charts That Suggest Metals Are Headed Higher

in #bitcoin6 years ago


Copying/Pasting full or partial texts without adding anything original is frowned upon by the community.

Some tips to share content and add value:

  • Using a few sentences from your source in “quotes.” Use HTML tags or Markdown.
  • Linking to your source
  • Include your own original thoughts and ideas on what you have shared.

Repeated copy/paste posts could be considered spam. Spam is discouraged by the community, and may result in action from the cheetah bot.

Creative Commons: If you are posting content under a Creative Commons license, please attribute and link according to the specific license. If you are posting content under CC0 or Public Domain please consider noting that at the end of your post.

If you are actually the original author, please do reply to let us know!

Thank You!


Hello, you might want to check your flagging of my post. I have created this bot account to post news from various news websites to spread the word of the news on steemit. I note at the end of every one of my news that I am not the author of the news, and I also link to the original article.

If you don't aprove of this, you might as well tell me what I must do to make this legit, because AFAIK there's nothing I'm doing that is objectively wrong, for I do not see these news posted on Steemit directly, and I am merely giving a chance for steemit users to look to these news, and also giving the original creators more power.

I am completely agaisnt plagiorism, but unless you consider the direct sharing of news on facebook, twitter, youtube, and other websites to be plagiorism even when the original news are linked, I will have to admit that you are merely trying to censor new users that might have more to offer to the community than yourself.