My Crypto Journey

in #bitcoin6 years ago


Ok so I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to all of this cryptocurrency hullabaloo, I haven't made any trades yet but I am watching and taking it all in making sure that when I do, I am making the right decisions. The main reason I think I am getting in to it at this stage of my life is that I think I've just honestly had enough of working for an unrelenting and uncaring world, I've given the company I work for 10+ years of my life and never have I felt like I was respected, I was just a cog in the machine. I am also sick of the banks doing whatever the hell they want with our money without consequence. So I guess I'm here to take mine, if I can!?

I have a few mates that are doing really well, one mate made 3k last weekend trading Ripple and others are dropping money all over the place and seeing what will work out.

I don't really like the idea of day trading I have a bit of a short attention span (but that would likely change if I started making a mint), so I'll probably be holding coins a lot more than day trading, of course if there's something that's come up that's a no-brainer, I'll invest or sell accordingly.

I also have another friend that is starting his own business as a bitcoin guru of sorts, with training and trading info etc. He was telling me that when he first started getting in to it he was in a bit of a fever dream and needed to know everything about it, what it's going to become and what it's going to make redundant.

It's an exciting time and there are going to be a lot of interesting opportunities for the people that get in to cryptocurrency now and that's what has got me excited I just wish I stopped putting it off and got on the gravy train a bit earlier.

I know there's a lot of guru's on here so I'm wondering what is your foolproof piece of advice that you can give to a Crypto noob as their starting out, what sort of things are out there that you wish you knew when you first started out, is there any pit falls or anything that you fell in to that you wouldn't wish upon anyone?

Thanks for your help and your interest,
Vikinghammer Out


Hello. I'm in the crypto world since 2013, and in no way I feel like an expert. Everyone haves different goals and different budgets, so what works for me might not work for you.

Some of my advices:

  • Decide your goals and your reasons to start in the crypto world. Is it just for the money? No problem if it is, then don't get emotion involved with the coins. Take your profit.
  • Don't jump on a coin just because someone told you that is going to moon. Realy do your research.
  • If you are in for the long run, then invest on coins that you believe in. This will make it easier for you to hold the bag when dips happen and not panic selling.
  • For the long term, invest in a hardware wallet.
  • Only keep the necessary funds you need in a exchange or web wallet.


I also have another friend that is starting his own business as a bitcoin guru of sorts, with training and trading info etc.

Just be careful. Maybe your friend is really good, i'm not saying he isn't. But I also notice some of my work colleague that just got involved in crypto last year becoming gurus.

It's easy to be a "guru" in a bullish market.

All the best and good luck.

I wouldn't say he was a guru either I think he's just jumping in on a market that hasn't been utilised (over in Australia anyway) very good tips though.

I know about not going to bat with my heart I've seen a few mates go from doing really well to selling stuff to stay on top, just because he really wanted a coin to do well he held them for to long and they bottomed out.

I'll definitely keep all your tips in mind, thanks.