How time flies..
It feels like it was only yesterday we were releasing an update to the Bitshares NFT viewer.. oh wait 😅
The changes brought to the table:
- Users now have the ability to look up any Bitshares user's issued NFTs as well as their NFT portfolio. All you need is their account ID in the format 1.2.x
- Before you had to link with Beet and could only look up your own details, now you can either provide the account id by linking with beet, or you can manually enter the account ID.
- As this is a new feature account names are not yet supported
- A new settings page has been added which allows for you to remove linked Beet accounts. Additional features will likely be added to this page, such as localization.
- Removed a misbehaving testnet node
Development in the Bitshares ecosystem is continuous and successful, don't let fud distract you from real advancements in blockchain technologies!
So what're you waiting for? Get the latest version today! Linux, Windows and MacOS are supported!
Don't forget to check out the NFTEA Gallery