BitShares: The Generous Seller or the Price Manipulator

in #bitshares6 years ago

Just when it started to look like the price going up, suddenly I notice this:


Photo source: Took this screenshot just moments ago

That sell order I marked.. I'm a bit confused.. why would all of a sudden a seller would sell at such a discount? He could have easily sold it for a much higher price with all those buying requests that were ordered at 0.211... but he is selling them for 0.208...

I'm confused.. is this some kind of generous offer to sell at a such lower price.. Is the person in need of immediate cash out because of some emergency .. or is there some other dark reason which we often fail to notice.. well.. I could come up with many conspiracy theories.. but for now I would skip that part and want to hear your opinion.. What do you think is actually happening when a whale does something like this.. or what could be the reason when someone is trying to sell something at a much discounted price when they could easily sell at a higher price immediately ?

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This user got margin called... basically the price of BTS decreased too much (in USD terms) and his loan has to be repaid now. The BitShares platform placed a sell order at market price minus 10%.

It's because the feed price from external exchanges went down and triggered a margin call, like ppitonak writes. They are always shown in yellow.

It can be a bit confusing to know when the margin call happens because it's based on the price feed (settlement price) which can be quite different from the buy and sell orders on the DEX.

Screen Shot 2018-02-23 at 15.45.16.jpg

I think that whale just set the stop loss limit (don't if that option is available in Bitshares, But it is available on Binance). And When the BTS price was decreasing He sold them on the fixed price. maybe thats the thing.

But if that's not the case then that maybe a fraud because no one want to lose his/her money

There's no stop loss on bitshares yet. It's been talked a lot about on bitsharestalk, but I don't think it's coming anytime soon as far as I understand.

could it be that bots tried to exchange assets and you by sheer luck interrupted it?

hun i will check your recent post..your are a interesting person..