
Oh ok. No interest? We could discuss prices.. it would favor you. You said you want a Steem economy and my website will be a Steem economy

I'm here today, gone tomorrow, there's no room for me to make any commitments that go beyond 24 hours

I can't believe there was a 'Steem' Hard fork today. Is it just me but every time a hard fork takes place, whether it be Bitcoin, Ethereum, Steem, it seems to be a beautiful day. It's like something in the air, a new breath of life. And I honestly did not know of this till I just watched this Craig post(blog). I have pictures of the recently bitcoin hard fork that took place what, a month ago and what a beautiful day it was! And today was also something in the air. Maybe it was due to my s0n going to kindergarten(1st day) - I will post some pics up on a blog about beautiful days when hard forks take place:)