Reviving My Ink

in #blockchain4 years ago

The current situation of the world has made a lot of us realize how much we really had that we never truly appreciated. From being able to move about, to socializing and going about our daily activities without hitch.


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Apart from the reality above, the COVID-19 pandemic has touched "more lives" across the whole world than I have ever witnessed in my over two decades of existence.

Stepping down a bit, the emergence of this pandemic has naturally returned us back to something in our lives as basic as personal hygiene.

As is been preached across the board, "wash your hands regularly with soap and water, avoid touching your face indiscriminately", all of these are things that we have ordinarily take for granted. We have seen contradicting all these measures as a normal way of life. Has the virus then come back to reset our brains?

Can't speak for a lot of people but in this part of the world where I come from, personal hygiene has eroded us like the leaching of soil nutrient by erosion. Our immediate environment is an eyesore, self medication is the order of the day and primary Healthcare is like a gemstone, rare and expensive.

Working from home this period has also afforded some of us the time to retrospect and appreciate a lot of things we had going for us until now.

Despite working from home, it has been very difficult to steal time pen here even as I thought all these while that work was the reason I have stopped writing a lot. A lot has since changed in three months since I penned my last blog post. Steemit.. Now, Hive... Looking like a whole new experience.

I am trying to find my way around here. How exactly, I don't know but I know, if I keep walking, maybe not eentirley aimlessly, I'd find my way. It's safe to say, this is my test post.

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I am itching to go back to writing my favorite sports (football) posts and I'd be dropping some contents soon, hopefully, before the season in Europe "restarts".

Until then, I wish all those who have lost someone to this pandemic, the strong heart to come out stronger. Those who are actively infected, the strength to get well and those who are currently free, the wherewithal to stay safe.

Please, stay safe and observe all health precautionary measures as prescribed by the international and various local health authorities.

Let's make the sacrifice for a greater joy.

I'd be back soon.