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RE: An open book AMA: LVL, PSYBER X, and Royal Reptile Studios

You can find some (if not all) of the assets for this game on Unity from $29.99.

One's called Elite Soldiers Pack ...

FWIW, you can buy full game code for a couple of hundred $ or less and make a few changes here and there and give it a new name. But they're pretty easy to spot if you know the Unity scene and the asset store well. It took me 10 minutes to locate most of the assets in the trailer and what's posted on their Upwork page. Go compare them for yourself if you like or I can post the screenshots I shared in my private Discord tonight.

I hope they don't convince the Hive Community to give them $100,000 for this before ever showing anything outside of a trailer that can be created in a short period of time using cheap Unity assets.

Please consider the goals stated and the fact that they're only asking for $100,000 to create ...

"the biggest blockchain game yet in the industry"

While at the same time presenting cheap Unity assets used by thousands of others.

let that sink in.jpg

That's simply not going to happen. A solid blockchain developer would eat through that alone and still need more to complete such a lofty goal. Have you seen Star Atlas? Compare that with this trailer, then consider the millions upon millions they have to work with and yet ... still no game.

Also keep in mind this statement ...

"I’ll be completely straight forward; we’re looking for funding."

Best of luck if any of you invest in this!


And @saltyreptile if this is proven to be true, your approach on hive is toast.

Here's your proof ...

This is Maksim Bugrimov confirming these assets are his and not their creation.

Screenshot 2021-10-04 151003.png

... well the whole email seens "valid" with no source of email front him or even worse, if you claim he told you that by social media it would be insta redflagged because instagram and facebook were down today...

Email him yourself and ask if you like. His email address is publicly available on his profile page on Unity.

Ok i guess i will :D

So he is claimingthat he did those assets and he is developing a game yet he dint and probably he dint even buy it?

Question, because once this user is flagged as plagarism, is toast. so please provide evidence.

This is listed on RRS "Portfolio" page as well ...

And once again this is Maksim's work ...

You can purchase this soldier separately for much less.

They can spin it to say something like, "Oh we're just showing what assets we use", but that's disingenuous in my opinion. You don't show other peoples Unity assets they created on your own "Portfolio" page.

If they do end up producing some actual "alpha game" or "production game" to show everyone something, in hopes people will buy their token/NFT, I'll bet that it's purchased source code off Unity or one of the other popular sites and that they paid less than $500 for it with Maksim's (and others) assets slapped in it.

So sure, there may be a game one day ... it's just going to be someone else's game using someone else's assets and would cost under $1,000 and a weeks time to produce.

The point being ... it's not going to be "the biggest blockchain game yet in the industry" or anything close to that by any means.

I simply don't think it would ever get past that point, if they even make it to that point. That will depend upon how many in the Hive Community are willing to give them money to keep this likely rug pull greatest blockchain game going.

@psyberx your voting power is so low that the downvote on other people is literally nonsense. Even the downvote bot anddumbcunts at -0.01 downvote is highter than yours ....

So pls do advice as a user, try not to push far, because Tuck have enought friends and users around him to start a downvote war and plob your token to -0 values, imposible and so low that people will close infinity just to look at it :).

Try to tell me why you are using cheap engine and cheap resourses in order to make a game for the block chain, the ONLY PLACE ON EARTH where people focus only on; ORIGINAL and SELFMADE CONTENT. Is like playing with fire @psyberx... Is this claim something you accept to be true?

Hi. Hope you and yours are doing well. I've been in and out of Hive for months due to medical and work. Do you feel the same way today?

Nice info dumb, very well done :D
