Today I Learned How To Do Business With A Friend

in #blog6 years ago

This Is How You Do Business With Friends

I come from the entertainment world and I started my career as music video producer for local and major artists. In the span of a 5 year career I produced over 300 music videos. While I was on an incline I wasn't the biggest fish in the pond as far the film production industry in Houston. There was a guy that was booking music videos at 500% higher price and was doing an amazing job. This guy eventually became my mentor and welcomed me into his circle because he saw potential in me. He helped me perfect my craft and introduced me to other industry guys that have become good friends also. Years later, we lost touch as our futures developed and we went on to develop into whatever our paths had in store for us. Bottom line, I went on to have a booming agency in the cryptocurrency world and he went on to work in the real estate industry. 

The Talk

We reconnected recently to work with each other on a real estate project. I didnt plan on charging him to work with him because I was just working with him because I truly intended to just help him out and catch up. After all, he taught me a few things on camera equipment that I still use to this day. Long story short, we ended up successfully completing the project together like super heros. Then the conversation started about pay and what would be considered fair. I threw out some gas station bubble game numbers and he wasn't buying it and insisting that I give him a respectable number because he respected me. I respected him too but I didnt want to charge him because I wasn't there for the money. The same way he saw potential in me years ago, the tables turn and I see the great potential in our collaborations. I'm not lying to you, this guy is extremely talented and his work ethic is INSANE! Just like me of course....

The Deal

Let's get to the point..he offered me a small amount of money which I accepted obviously..he mentioned something about getting more money in the future and all this...what he doesnt know is that im very successful in what I do now..I knew he couldnt offer more because people dont like to pay much for guys to film houses that they HOPE to sell for commission. It's very hard to make a living off these real estate brokers and I know all about it. Then, I resorted back to my business IQ and explained that the amount of pay is relative because if you can offer value to someone it can increase the "amount" you pay people. Use your resources as value that you can use to incentivize the opportunity. I explained..the way to innovate any business is to start with the business model first. If we can figure out how to give each other maximum value then that would create synergy within our companies. This would be the ultimate goal seeeing as he is my friend he is insanely talented..and still one of my mentors. We are now in the process of creating a new business model and finding all kinds of way to give each other maximum value so we can BOTH win and get what we need. That is how you do business with a friend when they cant offer you a million dollars LOL. 

I Still Get Messages From Fans On Social Media


Screwed up records lol That sign made me laugh

It's a Houston thing; Culture.

"Just being a fan of a hustler" Those are some good words to hear!

its hard to work with friends cause most take you for granted but for you to have done it it is great and to have an agreement that works is even greater,you seem to understand your trade to have reconnected with your mentor is an awesome thing

Great Post!! I wanted to encourage you to continue to pursue your passion. I believe the saying that “Your friends are your greatest resources”. There's definitely a need for your craft! Keep going!!

thanks. have a nice day. upvoted!

Life is a two way thing, it can go either way. I love your story and I learnt that it is good to not always look after the money. Relationship over money

In the beginning working with a friend helps, but the more income you receive, the harder it becomes

You resorted back to my business IQ and explained that the amount of pay is relative because if you can offer value to someone it can increase the "amount" you pay people. Use your resources as value that you can use to incentivize the opportunity. Thats all that matters,you have said it all. Here,some cold beer🍺🍺

Wow nice photograph amazing and great bussiness ideas i try to apply these in my bussiness

Nice story and post! Thank you for sharing 😊

Hope in a few years you'll be posting pics from hollywood ! All the luck guys

Good stuff man, keep it up.

Good posting! Please come see me steemit too.

I think, when building a business from scratch it might be useful to have some friends supporting you, buying your product/service. As, like in your story, you have found your mentor, he became a friend, you got the network.

So friends are a perfect kickstarter, but on the long run I would suggest to make business (mainly) with others

You look good with your hard work.I would appreciate it if you could come to my blog and tell me the opinion of Bitcone.

thanks. have a nice day

Very good post friend

very good job, professional partner work, always successful

It's a great feeling working with people you like, I hated my office job - I was stuck in a cubicle surrounded by miserable and apathetic people.

Yea that's nice, good that you are in a comfortable position to be able to help and work with people because you want to and their friends. You give each other value and it's a symbiotic relationship that's great. 👍

Thank you for sharing

Wow this is so amazing! I upvoted you! Have an awesome day.

Great work! But now on steemit together! Thats cool!

Very important things. I also learn something! Thanks for share.

Great work. Thanks for being hardworking and a very responsible person. The sky is the limit. Keep going.

Interesting take! I always avoided working with friends, we both end up feeling like we owe something to the other. Besides I am not comfortable arguing with a friend if something goes wrong. I try to avoid mixing business with friendship. However, as you said if you are both great at what you do, and you can add value to each other then be it. It's great. But when only one party is adding value that's where it goes downhill in my opinion. Thank you for posting this.

It is really cool to work with friends that have your interest at heart. I really appreciate when you " explained that the amount of pay is relative because if you can offer value to someone it can increase the "amount" you pay people. Use your resources as value that you can use to incentivize the opportunity " that statement is a basic fact. Thanks for these post on how to do business with a friend.

which I understand from this page that you are the people who are excited at work. very motivating if you have a good point of view to the field of work that you are in. salute for you guys hope all goes well. Good luck.

good work bro keep it up

Lmao the name of that record store is gold

That's a valuable learning from life.

haha good deal done..its not always easy to do buisness with friends but you both have dealt it smartly.
more power to you !

That sign though, screwd up XD

great! thanks. have a nice day.

How did you work you shared your experience.
Very good your job and your dealings.
Thanks @bycompoundfilms

Lol at least he tried to pay you, most people would expect you to do anything for them for free because you're friends,, even when they know you struggling. Great post

Wow! I've worked with Red One MX before... Didn't know it's still in use. Good luck on your business

That is cool. I hope to be apart of more business as I grow older.

Wow! It's good for both of you because you understand each other and respected each other. That is why you are progressing in whatever you do. The most amazing part is you are both talented. Thanks for sharing us these and in one way or the other I have grab and understand some point in your post.

Thank u for your post

Screwed up records lol That sign made me laugh

excellent dear it is very difficult to do business with a friend baecuse combine business with friend always on stake friend ship or business. very good. you appear to comprehend your exchange to have reconnected with your coach is a great thing

Great job!

Is it hard to not be in the video-making world any more? My job for the past 20 years or so has been in IT and web development, and I've (re)discovered my love of video, audio... creative things. But, it's been difficult to find a way to do something new - something I love - and still put food on the (4 person) table. You were in that world and are now out, so it blasts my curiosity to 100% to know what it's like =)

And right off the bat I misread what you were saying... since it's clear that you still ARE in the video realm. Sorry.

I am but its hard to make a living with video in a crowded industry...thats why I create content for the technology world

Sometimes friendship is more valuable than money. I have done a lot of bussiness with some friend's. They helped me out a lot. In return i make sure it benefits both of us.

Great post about working in business with someone that you looked up to & learned from then years later he came to you in a business sense /respect earned from both sides . I done a recent blog/post related to business I would respectfully ask when you have time can you please take a look & comment your thoughts ,

That's the spirit boss man! Trust me, I learned one or two things from this man. And I am definitely going to make use it of it more and more in my Digital Marketing Business. Thanks brother!