Animal Rescue - My good deed for the day!

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

I know a lot of people don't like mice, but who can resist the cuteness of a little baby? I certainly can’t! So call me crazy, but there it is!

This morning whilst cleaning out the swimming pool to get it ready for the guests, we came across the smallest little baby mouse in the water, struggling fiercely for survival. So we lifted him out and I held him in my hand shaking so badly he could hardly remain upright.


I decided to take him into the house to recuperate and warm up. If I were to leave him outside in this condition he would not stand a chance with my dogs and cats. So I placed him into a box with some paper and in a short time he had stopped shaking and was starting to clean himself. He was so cute that I simply had to take some photos and a short video with my cell phone.

Once he was fully dry and had recovered we set him free in the garden.

And that’s my short story and good deed for the day! Like I said, some of you might call me crazy, and a mouse a nasty rodent, but to me, this was just a small baby struggling for survival!

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That is a sweet story, Claudia! little mice are so cute! it is an honorable thing to do!

Once, when I was still dating my future husband (@clixmoney), we were walking in a park and saw a tiny little baby mouse stuck in a hole in pavement. We took him out, moved to the grass. And we spent a few minutes looking at him. And while we were bending over him, one man passing by noticed the mouse and wanted to hold it in hands. He lifted the mouse and dropped by accident. The mouse died :'((( I was crying the whole evening. I said it was because we bent over him we drew attention of the man, who then killed him. Well, I was crying and my boyfriend was soothing me. He said he understood my feelings, and he also felt very very sorry for the little mouse. I was amazed by his big heart, because I know that most of guys would just say: "You shouldn't cry for such unimportant thing, it's just a mouse, who cares!". And the fact that he was also sad because of the mouse made me fall in love with him even more, and then we got married :)

that a nice story, but sad as well as happy ending! thank you for reading my story.

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I came to your blog because @multi4g recommended you in his follow friday! :) hehehe

this was a super cute post and yes.... the mouse is adorable! but the reason why i don't like them is because... see that little black oval next to him???? hehehehe that poop is EVERYWHERE when the find a place they like. It's like they step and poop, step and poop! They are pooping machines! ughhhhh our garage had a few and that was it. They started destroying everything!!!! but.... i'm glad that you did save his little life :) he can't help that he's a pooping machine ;)

I know they are very destructive and I have also had chewed hi-fi cable and plastic containers, so I dont like them in the house either, but outside in the garden I have no issues with them, and the babies are just so cute. Thank you for reading my post!

I don't have a problem with them outside either hehehe (as long as they stay away from my garage!!! LOL)

and i think all baby animals are just so cute!!!! :)

I agree and they deserve a chance at survival

What you did was not crazy at all, it was absolutely wonderful! You saved a life, a little baby. You've probably heard the saying "Whoever saves one life saves the world entire". That's what you did for that little one. And the cuteness factor is high indeed 😍

thank you, I feel the same way @onestrangeanimal!

Nice story @claudiaz, luckily I was not there when it appeared :p

hahaha @stefi11, not everyone likes mice!

This indeed IS a very cute story. I live in an old farmhouse in the Netherlands and of course there are many mice around the house. As soon as they come IN the house we set up a mouse-friendly trap and after we catch them, we let them free, back in nature.

that is nice, after all as long as they dont take over and become too destructive, they too have their place in nature!

You have a good heart @claudiaz and treat animals with the respect and love they deserve! Bless you! 🐁

thanks so much for the kind words