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RE: The Reference Librarian is Confused

in #blog11 months ago

I think this is an unfortunate byproduct of the aggression with which these woke Marxist’s have been pursuing the minds of children and trying to fuck them up. The grooming and shit is nauseating with how they are trying to destroy youth and one of the first things that started was putting wildly inappropriate reading material into the hands of children and libraries.

Parents are a little extra sensitive on the topic right now, rightfully so I think, because they don’t want their kids being sexualized. It’s definitely a weird time in American history right now. I don’t know if we’ve had as much polarization as we do now, but I suspect in the Cold War things were similar for a period, with people trying to snitch on others for being Russian agents and shit.

I do think that some of it is unfortunately poor choice on the parents but it’s a pendulum, it swung so far to the left that the parents often had to aggressively turn it to the right to get it back to somewhere in the center. I don’t want my kid to read about these things either but I would rather him read some of the books from the 80’s and 90’s that have some of the content sprinkled in where I know it’s far more tame and age appropriate than the shit that comes out today.


People are more willing to believe what muckrakers say on the internet or stories they read about big city libraries and assume it is happening in small town America, and instead of going to the library to see for themselves, they assume the worst about their neighbors.

They also forget that the library is for everyone, including the most stereotypical conservative religious homeschoolers and flamboyant liberal homosexual atheists. A library serving a diverse community will have something which offends everyone. It is the job of readers and parents to be discriminating borrowers, not the job of librarians to discriminate against books and topics.

We try to catalog and shelve items appropriately here, and not to push a "woke" agenda. I suspect most libraries are the same. It was just a few years ago when there was uproar over old Dr. Seuss illustrations being too racist, Laura Ingalls Wilder not portraying modern attitudes toward the native Americans, and I. K. Rowling not being woke enough regarding transgenderism. This battle is not partisan for us.

Unfortunately Machiavellian petty gods seek to control our understanding as a means of generating profit to themselves. Pathological people exist, and seek to farm cash cows. Some of them, more unfortunately yet, are extraordinarily good at it, and take food out of our mouths.

One of the realities I have had to accept is that there are forces that push the opposite of what they seek to achieve to generate involuntary support for their actual goals by creating backlash, and this is ongoing today at extremely rarefied economic levels by parties intent on totalitarian fascist dictatorship they intend to profit and benefit from.

The optimum solution to we who intend to be free, which is most people whether they know it or not, is to create alternatives to centralized industry and governance that avail us of our desired civil society. We need to be the rulers we enjoy so that we don't suffer rule we find anathema.