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RE: The Reference Librarian is Confused

in #blog11 months ago (edited)

People are more willing to believe what muckrakers say on the internet or stories they read about big city libraries and assume it is happening in small town America, and instead of going to the library to see for themselves, they assume the worst about their neighbors.

They also forget that the library is for everyone, including the most stereotypical conservative religious homeschoolers and flamboyant liberal homosexual atheists. A library serving a diverse community will have something which offends everyone. It is the job of readers and parents to be discriminating borrowers, not the job of librarians to discriminate against books and topics.

We try to catalog and shelve items appropriately here, and not to push a "woke" agenda. I suspect most libraries are the same. It was just a few years ago when there was uproar over old Dr. Seuss illustrations being too racist, Laura Ingalls Wilder not portraying modern attitudes toward the native Americans, and I. K. Rowling not being woke enough regarding transgenderism. This battle is not partisan for us.