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RE: Five Years Of Blogging On The Blockchain

in #blog3 years ago

Congratulations! I think it is indeed great to be on a platform which continuously challenges you to be better and better.

I liked this part

every time I come back home that the most valuable thing in the world is this time that we all get to share together.

I also realize as days and years pass by that time and energy are the most important resources that we have


Thank you! I've been away from my family now for over 25 years so when we get together we REALLY try to make it quality time. Sometimes I wonder how different my life would have been if I stayed there in Columbus. Moving 800 miles to another city where I knew only one person forced me out of my shell and to take risks that I wouldn't have normally taken.

I think that is is a great thing that you went out of your confort zone. It made you grow as a person, it helped you build character. I always admired people who had the courage to move away from home and start new lives. You should feel proud!

Thank you Mary. Like everything in life, taking that leap of faith had its tradeoffs. It definitely forced me out of my shell and made me grow in ways I otherwise wouldn't have. The move also brought many years of financial struggle and I missed most of the childhoods of my older niece and nephew so it's a bit of a doubled-edged sword. I always had such a strong desire to be able to make a living as a writer and achieving this goal after working towards it for decades definitely makes me proud. That wouldn't have happened without this community.

Congratulations, it is admirable!