Back From the Hospital - Somewhat Regular Posting Will Resume!

in #blog6 years ago

Well, I'm back from a short trip to the emergency room yesterday. I've been really sick these past couple of days, with some sort of infection in my large intestine. Yesterday, I had quite a bit of a scare at home, because something really didn't feel right.

I had been taking antibiotics for a couple of days, they didn't really seem to be working. In the meantime, I experienced pretty severe pain around my stomach and was having some sort of panic attacks.

Something just didn't feel right, so we opted to go to the emergency room. I mean, I was thinking it might be something with my appendix, so better not take any chances, right?

They did a whole bunch of tests and scans of my body and luckily they didn't find anything serious. Just had a strong reaction to the antibiotics and was still affected by the infection. I was really glad that it wasn't my appendix, because I certainly didn't look forward to suddenly undergoing surgery.

I'm still not 100% fine, but it's getting a bit better now. While I'm taking these antibiotics, I'm usually not that productive, but I'll manage to get out some posts again. I'm not sure if they will be the same length as usual, but I'll definitely try to keep my quality up there. It's still pretty hard to focus on writing.

Feels good to be back at least!

Stish Airdrop


That's great you were able to return home. I hope you have a quick and full recovery.

Glad to hear that everything is getting better - infections are scary business...

Wow! Sorry to read this @daan!

"Something just didn't feel right, so we opted to go to the emergency room."

Definitely the right call. Don't want to mess around with intestinal infections!

The sickest I ever was in my adult life was due to the same thing. First, the dreaded e coli, then (in response to the "nuke" antibiotic administered ...), clostridium difficile. The first is bad enough, the second can be terminal ...

If it helps, a very powerful probiotic was the key to my recovery. I can share more, if or when you deem it helpful ...

All the best to you, for a speedy and full recovery!

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I'm definitely going to be eating lots of yogurt the next couple of days, that tends to work really well with replacing the healthy bacteria.

Not the best source, but it's definitely based on solid research:

Please do share what probiotic you used, might work a bit better than just the plain old yogurt.

Good evening @daan! Following through, as promised, what started out as a reply here turned into a post:

Survival Tale: My Battle with Intestinal Infection

Reliving it brought mixed emotions, but overall I am happy to have gotten it down. It may help you and, hopefully, some others along the way.

While I do not know specifically if what ails you is anything like what I experienced, I am confident what I learned about the essential importance of our intestinal health will be of some benefit to you.

Until we "meet" again, I hope you are at least feeling some better!

Ok, @daan.

"Please do share what probiotic you used, might work a bit better than just the plain old yogurt."

Will do! But now at my "day job" and won't be able to do it justice until this evening. So ... You should see something in the (your) morning.

Eating cultured food like yogurt though, is definitely on the right track! 👍

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Get well soon @daan.
My appendix was taking out a year or 6 ago during an emergency operation. Stepped into ER around 16h, was examined, than they didn't gave any new for the next 6 hours!
At 22h I was told that I had to go an emergency surgery, which was done at 00.30H. Was at the room around 1.30. And was discharged at 8 AM.
Still stayed home for another 2 weeks!

I'm glad that it wasn't my appendix, I know that it would've taken a lot longer if it were the case. This went pretty quick compared to your experience, but still... Went in at around 6pm and got out at 11pm, not that bad.

Hope you get feeling better soon! Appendectomies are pretty routine procedures now days, but still great that you don't have to go through that! Take it easy, Steemit will still be here when you get all healthy again :)

Thanks! Might be a bit more active on Musing in the meantime, takes a bit less effort :)

Speedy recovery! That must be so worrying, not to mention unpleasant, though I'm sure you're in good hands. Don't push yourself to do too much, as your body will need all its resources to get better. Sometimes we need to put our deadlines on hold for a while!

Thanks! Will definitely take it easy the next couple of days :)

Nou dat klinkt helemaal niet lekker. De signalen hadden inderdaad wel iets weg van blinde darm problemen. Gelukkig was dat het niet. Beterschap!

Ja het leek er wel fel op, was ook het eerste waarvoor ze me checkten in het ziekenhuis. Bedankt!

Zowel bij mijn vader als bij mijn broer was het gelijk richting operatiekamer. Je staat er niet bij stil dat dingen zo snel zo fout kunnen gaan. Beiden in dit geval gelukkig net op tijd.

Wow. I'm really glad you are OK, and it wasn't anything serious!

I talked to my brother yesterday, and he's had a re occurrence of shingles. He's been less than optimum for about 10 days, but he says the good news is the pain meds are good enough that he doesn't care :)

Glad you are going to be back in the saddle.

I was glad too when the doctor told me that it wasn't anything serious. Really didn't fancy an extended stay at the hospital!

Oh that sucks, it's something that can take a while to go away indeed. And even when it does, you know it can still happen again after some time. The pain meds are nice though, too bad I'm stuck with paracetamol :P

You don't look to happy there, but hospitals are not nice place. Waiting... springs to mind. Get well soon and tell that boss you ARE coming to SF3 :)

Indeed I don't, that's what lots of needles do to me :D Plus I was still feeling the effects of the infection running rampant through my body.

Will try, but can't guarantee anything!

I wish you get well very soon!

Wow good call going to the emergency room. Us youngsters....we always wait, because we think we will always will be fine..

Beterschap jong en doe een beetje rustig aan!

Woof... emergency rooms visits are always a trauma. Glad that you seem to be okay, I can't remember are you in BG or NL? I guess you are BG, as it doesn't sound like the treatment that you would get in NL....

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Jezus you gave everyone a scare I think. Listen to your body you only got one of it!
Grappig je ligt in bed D5 ze waren de 8 vergeten dan was het Daan rep 58 😉

Oh my goodness @daan! That is so scary! Did they think you were allergic to the antibiotic you were taking? You should have panic attacks from them...hmm. Sounds like rest, rest, rest for you! Take care! Feel better, and don't hesitate to go back to the doc if you don't feel better :)

I was wondering where you went. ;)