This blog is going to be a different topic than what I have covered before. I have had various paranormal experiences in my life but the one that has touched me the most happened the night that the kids dad passed away.
Before I get too deep into this, I want to say that I respect others beliefs and I hope you can respect mine as well. I have found people who want to debate this subject in the past. I can tell you, that I am not interested in a debate. You either believe or you do not. I am okay with either but I have no intention of defending what I believe.
The experience was huge for me and it has forever changed the way that I feel about rather there is an afterlife or if we are more than we know now. That said, I have never been an atheist but I have also never completely believed the bible either.
Obviously, the night he passed away was not an easy night for us. Throughout the entire night I felt very strongly that his grandma was there. It was his mother’s mother, to be exact. I felt like she was there to help him pass to the other side.
I also felt like she was there to ease our minds as well. I guess to let us know that she would be taking good care of him. Those are the feelings that I got from it all. I should add that his grandmother passed away before I was part of the family. I had never meet her.
Just hours before he passed, my sister in law and I were setting in the dark when a flash light came on by itself and was shining right on us. We investigated and there was no way it should have just came on.
I had a feeling that he was going to pass on that day for a couple of weeks prior to it. I had shared that with his mother. I did not tell our children though because they were only nine and eleven at the time. (He passed away on Christmas Day.)
Just moments after he passed away, our daughter emerged from a back bedroom. I went over to her so she could not see why the adults were standing by her father. I took her to the bathroom. I could see she was sick and from touching her I could tell she had a fever. (It turned out to be strep throat.) She could tell I was upset and I could tell she knew why. I explained it to her and gave her a teary hug.
My sister in law came in and we took my daughter with us so we could wake the rest of the kids up, including my son, and tell them the news as well. Telling your young children their father died is not something you ever want to do. It was very hard. They had pain that I could not fix or take away.
I was a smoker at the time and I badly wanted to go outside to smoke right after his death but I was not ready to leave my kids just yet. After a couple of hours, I asked their aunt to sit with them while I went out for a cigarette.
It was about three in the morning and it was bitterly cold. We were out in the country on a farm, in a very flat area where the wind is very known to blow pretty hard. It had been a cloudy day and cloudy that night. So when I went outside I found it very strange that the wind was non-existent.
The next thing that caught my attention was I looked up and I noticed that, in a circular shape, the clouds had backed off above the farm. The first thing that came to my mind was the clouds had moved to allow his spirit to pass through.
I was just standing there staring up at the sky. I had a lot going through my mind when out of no where, in my right ear, I heard him whisper goodbye to me.
The experience has changed how I look at everything now. Up to that point there was always a shadow of a doubt in my mind even though I had other paranormal experiences.
I had experiences after that, involving him, as well. The one that stands out the most was months later. I was taking a shower. I bent my head back to rinse shampoo out of my hair. When I closed my eyes I seen him, his face was right in mine and he did not say anything. He just put his forehead on mine and I felt it. I opened my eyes he wasn't there anymore. All I can tell you is that it felt as real to me as anything else does.
There were dreams involved too but I think that I'm going to talk about the dreams in a different blog. I may also share some of my other paranormal experiences that I have had in later blogs too.
I feel like I experienced something beautiful the night he passed away. I guess I wanted to share it with anyone that is interested. If you have had paranormal experiences I would love to hear about them so please leave them in the comments or make your own post about them and link to them here in the comments so I will not miss reading them.
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@debralee, I'm not sure what to say about your experience.
I'm a science-guy and what you described contradicts scientific explanation. But, as a science-guy, I'm also acutely aware of the many things that science can't explain, including some pretty basic stuff, such as "what is life" or "what is conscientiousness" ... and it's not for a lack of trying.
Indeed, a good many things science says it can explain are undoubtedly incorrect. Science concocted "dark energy" and "dark matter" (roughly 95% of the universe) to explain the rotation of galaxies and the increasing acceleration of the universe's expansion. This was necessary because the alternative would have been to call into question the validity of some of the most sacred beliefs in physics, most having originated for physics' god-man, Albert Einstein.
It has always struck me as ironic how some scientists deride people who believe in miracles in one breath, but then go on to talk about their belief in 'singularities' in the next (like the 'Big Bang' and 'Black Holes'). Both defy the laws of physics as we know them, neither can be subjected to replication in a laboratory ... and both require 'faith' - the belief in something you cannot prove.
Quantum physics embraces a whole number of ideas that might be best be described as 'magic.'
Personally, the way I handle such issues is to put them in an 'agnostic box' ... neither believing in them, nor believing against them ... until such time as I obtain sufficient evidence to rationally justify belief in one or the other. A lot of people are uncomfortable with agnosticism, even perturbed by it, because they think it's an intellectual cop out. I think it's simply admitting 'I don't know' ... and that admission, is what drives scientific inquiry.
If nothing else, science says that people who can embrace a bit of mystery tend to be happier than those who can't. Try to rationally explain ... love.
Thank you so much for your reply. I like that you choose to "neither believing in them, nor believing against them". Although, I would respect your beliefs no matter what they were. :)
When my Mum passed away it was my dad who felt her presence the most. She was probably saying goodbye.
I think they try to let us know they are okay, if they can.
So sorry for your loss Debralee. I had some similar experiences when i lost my only child and when my mother and father passed. I know what you saw and felt were real connections. I will write about my experiences over time in Steemit. Upvoting and following.
Thank you. I followed you too and I look forward to your posts when you are ready to make them. I am so sorry for your losses though! ((hugs))
We have a lot in common Deb and sometimes I feel that is why we found each other. I've had experiences all my life as well. I haven't written for the reason you stated above. I may have to borrow some of that from you if I ever decide to write about some things. I had an experience just the other day which left me feeling just a bit odd. Like you said, some people can't understand it unless they experience it themselves but you are probably a "sensitive" so you are more open to things which sometimes can be a wonderful thing! I'm glad you shared this ..thank you!!
I'd love to know more x
Hi @paragirlstories. I'm now following you and read your latest post. I look forward to catching up on your other posts very soon!!
You are more than welcome to borrow that from me @deerjay! I am sure there is a reason we have met too. I think sensitive to it is a good word to use. :) ((hugs))
Thank you @debralee! I get the courage sometimes but it easily sways. xoxo
Great story x I believe you, I have had weird experiences too and I do write them on this blog <3 xx I'd love to read more x
Thanks so much for commenting. I look forward to reading your stories and have followed you. I am headed to work here in a bit though so I don't have time this morning.
I do plan to write more of mine. :D
I had same experience when I was a kid when my grandfather left us. You are correct, maybe it happened because it's our loved ones spirit way to say goodbye. I like to tell the story on my next post but I don't have pictures of my grandfather with me for we don't owned camera or even do pictures when I was young.
I'm sure your post will be great even without the photographs. I am sorry for your loss but am glad that you got a positive experience out of it. I think it helps us know they are okay.
I respect everyone's feelings, experiences, and perspectives on anything! So I believe what you're describing was real.
My dad passed away on Christmas Eve, and I had dreams, I felt him at times, I heard him telling me "everything will be all right", and for a long time, I also smelled him. I didn't know how to explain it anyone, but I can tell you all my brothers and sisters also smelled him around too. When that happened, we know he was around! Now though, 30 years later, it is all done...
I am glad you knew your dad was still around. For me that signifies that they are okay.
I believe the kids dad kept an eye on the kids until they were of age. I woke up one night and felt like he was telling me he was leaving. I don't know how to explain it other than to say I felt it. I assume at some point they must move on.
I believe so! I don't even have dreams with him in it for more than 10 years now..I love your story Deb! It is so real and personal..
The only thing, for me, that eases the loss even just a little is my view of the Universe and how I understand it to work. You've had quite poignant experiences, and I think it lovely that your husband was able to visit you.
If you haven't read this book yet, or even seen it, you might be interested in reading it (the library may have a copy). It is one lady's experience of after-life contact with her brother and what he was able to tell her about the afterlife.
Thank you so much @ravenruis!
I will be getting that book. I was lead to one by John Edward called What If God Were the Sun? after his death and it did wonders for me. I had heard about it and was literally drawn to go get it by a strong gut feeling.
And we all know - never discount that gut feeling. :)
I had similar experience with the passing of a much loved cat. I was living in Japan at the time and my cat was back in Canada with my parents. From the corner of eye, I caught a image of my cat crossing my apartment. I knew then he had passed but was coming to say good-bye. My mother later confirmed the darling he had died. Thank you for sharing, Debra. sending you love.
Thank you so much for sharing that @prydefoltz.
I have a friend that had her cat visit her after it passed as well. It was known for playing with what she assumed was spirits during its life because it always swatted at thin air.
LOL ... my guy was just a lover:)
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