4 Ways We CAN empower ourselves NOW

in #blog3 years ago

4 Ways We CAN empower ourselves NOW

(Pic screenshotted from my tiktok) 2022-01-06_01-20-46.jpg

Hi everyone, hope all is amazing. 2022 will be challenging on one side, and on the other hand about manifestation and joy so I want to provide value that could enrich and Empower you 😃😇💫 Here are 4 ways that have helped me:

(1)Make a list of all the habits that are not serving you.

(2) Understanding and Innerstanding that the opposite of Procrastination is DO IT NOW

(3)- Identify your assets (What can you do with the gifts, talents strengths of skills that can be brought to the table of Value Creation, that not only allows you to be in service of self, but to the world as a whole.

(4) -Find someone to hold you Accountable and PUSH YOU!

Bonus - Attach to ways of Thinking Bigger Much Faster. Through Gratitude, Affirmations, prayer, and Visualization ( projecting your mind and yourself into powerful successful positions)

(Pic screenshotted from my ticktok) 2022-01-05_21-31-04.jpg

QUESTION: Which of 4 ways are relevant to you right now?

Remember : We have the HOW so that we may Stay Empowered NOW. No need to wait😎💯
We are all either Growing or Dying. Let's adopt the #growthmindset that will serve us in the long term.

This is a message to myself and For YOU. Hope it helps 🙏🏾🎁

Stay Empowered! #TheConnectionContinues



#WholisticEmpowerment #TwentyTwentyYOU #timeisnow #vibratehigher #thinkbig #visualization #accountability #gratitude #healthierhabits #health #wealth #connections #devanntheconnector11