Dronepilot Job of the future?

in #blog6 years ago

In the Netherlands, a large employment agency in the transport industry is retraining their temporary employees (couriers) into jobs of the future so that they can stay working.

Now packages are delivered by road through a courier but it will not be long before this will happen with drones as well.
That is why the temporary employment agency starts retraining and trained their couriers as a drine pilot to continue their work in the future

You see that jobs change in small steps and that new technologies (digitization and robotisation) create new jobs and new opportunities.
Drones are being used more and more.
It is expected that full-time drone pilots will be working within one and a half years.


Drones and therefore also drone pilots are now used by many things. A few examples:

-route and dike inspections;


-in the security of business parks;


-on farms;


-inspection of houses and businesses


-protection of animals


Thanks to a drone with a heat camera, foresters have been able to save several young fawns from the grassmowing machine.

When every second counts, working with a drone is ideal:

-to inspect fire in a high building;


-to deliver an AED somewhere quickly;


-When people are about to drown;


-to transporting medications quickly;


-To keep an eye on things preventively somewhere and in case of missing;

Dronepilot Job of the future?


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Nice to see that some companies try to keep their employees by retraining them. My question, however, is for how long these people will be able to keep that new job keeping in mind that flying these drones will soon be done by computers who are much better at preventing accidents and can use GPS and the likes to bring the drones where they need to be...

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