More books for my library

in #blog5 months ago

Hi, guys!

Today I have a small holiday; the books that I ordered over the weekend have arrived. It would seem not very much... In total there are about twenty volumes :)

Finally, I bought myself the Chronicles of Amber and the complete collection of the Witcher, as well as books by Sarah Maas, which I had long wanted to read, but was waiting for the cycles to be completely translated into Ukrainian (I haven’t yet, but I decided to slowly start collecting the collection, until the first volumes completely disappeared from sale).

My library now consists of more than 300 books. We used to have a library in Russian, but that was before the war, and besides, there were practically no interesting books there, but now I am proud of my library in Ukrainian. at a minimum, it greatly helps me improve my level of language proficiency, which is especially important, given that I am now taking courses for writers and am going to write Ukrainian fantasy myself :)




