Weekend writing

in #blog3 months ago

Hi, guys!

Today is a great sunny day. In the morning, my husband and I planned to go see where the dog park is, where I plan to start training my youngest, Luna, from Wednesday, but suddenly plans changed, and today we will go to my mother out of town.

Starting Wednesday, I start not only my dog training, but also my course for writers. For the course, I need to read a series of short stories before the course starts, and yesterday I started doing this. I highlight in different colors the description of the area, the description of the characters and the beginnings of the plot, as well as turning events, in order to better understand and analyze the text, but to be honest, some stories give me a stupor. They are very strange. Especially the short story by Ernest Hemingway, I didn’t understand at all what the author wanted to say.

Maybe later I'll just go and Google what he wanted to say. Because nothing is really clear from the text; the story seems empty from the inside. But maybe this was precisely the author’s idea.

I'm looking forward to starting the course and hope everything goes well for me. So, probably for the next few months I will be writing on my blog exactly how the training is going. I hope this won't be boring content for you :)

Yesterday I returned to training again after a break of ten days, and today all my muscles below the belt ache and ache. Not a bad start, I hope it will only get better :)
