
in #blog5 years ago (edited)

Guess who's pregnant? Well, not me of course, since I'm male. But, my partner is pregnant! That's right, I'm going to be a father! Wo0ot!

This is a pretty big event in life which brings about great change in one's life. I've wanted a child for a long time, and now it's happening. I'm happy to become a father :)

That's not to say being a father or parent is without its trials and tribulations. I know there will be difficult times. Being a parent is a long job, a constant job, and probably one of the hardest jobs there is. It's very demanding. Things are going to change in my life. But I'm ready and willing to take it on.

We found out last month, so it's at about 2 months now. The expected due date is at the end of January 2020. Then the family will depend on me for a year to work and pay for things. Saving up for a future home is going to dry up, but I should still be able to save some each paycheck ;)

Have a great weekend all! Peace!


OMG CONGRATS!!!!!! Thank you for sharing this news, it made my freekin' week, you two are going to be amazing parents, and that will equal another awesome, caring human in this world!!

Thanks :) We're going to try indeed :)

This is the biggest challenge we have in life

Posted using Partiko Android

Yup, huge!

Tell me about it, I have 2 of my own

Posted using Partiko Android

That is HUGE news... Starting now your life will never be the same again.
There will be days you question the pay offs.
Mostly though, you will be entering one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences most people have.

Congratulations! :)

Indeed, but a very welcome challenge :) Thanks!

Congratulations @krnel!
As a parent of one daughter of almost 12 years old i can tell you that what you are going to experience it will change you life and the way you are seeing it forever.. it did change my life in a better in so many ways....
Just enjoy the felling and thanks a lot for sharing with us this Awesome news!
PS: Hope you will have a baby girl!

Thanks, lol, my partner says it's a girl, but we'll see ;)

Congrats. It'll be tough but as long as you and your partner talks, there's nothing that can't be done. I have 2 boys, one is turning 3 this Aug and younger one is 3 mo old. For me that's the greatest gift a couple can ever have. Good luck and belated happy father's day.

Hehe thanks! It's a great gift indeed ;)


You life will definitely change and while being a parent is a challenge itself, isn't it one of the most beautiful feelings someone could experience?

I wish all the best to both of you and may things roll smoothly until she delivers

Yes it is ;) Thanks!

@krnel - I have six kiddos, each wonderfully unique. You are about to embark on a wonderful adventure - one that will challenge you and bring you joy.

I always recommend that you focus on your partner first. When a child see stability in the relationship of the parents, that child knows he/she is loved as well.

Sending good thoughts your way!

Yup, the parents are the ground that the child grows on ;)

Congratulations to the 3 of you ♥️

You will make a great father!

I can hear you saying to your son what my dad always said to me, "Follow principles not people!", always "Question Authority", "Be yourself", and "Love Unconditionally"!!!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks! That sounds pretty good ;)

Absolutely congrats to you! I'm sure you'll be a great father to your child! I wish you the best and I expect your child to be a crypto God by the time they are your age. Lol

Stay strong, if you thought you were stressed now, just wait. Lol

Haha, yes, more stress on the way ;)

Wonderful news! Very happy for you! And don't worry about the responsibilities - a child sleeping peacefully is enough to make you forget all the worries!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks! Good moments to look forward too ;)

Congratulations!!! That is so AWESOME!!! It is defiantly a life changer. Your priorities will soon change and everything will revolve around that child.
God Bless

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks! Yeah, priorities will get shifted around the baby ;)

wow, big congrats bud!


Congrats mate and I wish you and your partner all the luck in the world :)

Thanks ;)

Awesome! Upvoted since you have a family you need to support (or will need)


That's brilliant news and congratulations to you and especially to your partner :-)
Nathen with an 'e' is a really cool name...just saying if you need any suggestions lol!!

Thanks ;)

Congrats @krnel! I've got 2 at home and a third on the way, you won't get bored I can tell you that much!

Is that gif representative of what it's like at home with 2 kids? :P

Ya know, if you swap the bottle of champagne out for anything that my kids can get their hands on that's messy and leave them unsupervised for a few minutes then this isn't too far off.



congrats :D wishing a healthy pregnancy!


Congrats brotha!!!

perfect time to get vaccinated. also you will never sleep again.

Congratulations fam.


Congratulations matey!

Thanks ;)

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congrats @krnel, becoming a parent has been one of the best things in my life, and for sure there are challenges but you grow so much as a person it is an amazing journey. xx