Hi folks XD!
I want to do sth like a virtual sketch...... so I decided to start to tell 'LEDA's WISDOMs' .
I'm astrological Aries. It's first sign in an astrological year, so it's starting sign. It's also called a 'fighter' sign. You ask 'why'?
Imagine an empty, white field... for example for your creativity, your dreams, loves, cats, food, house, staff, whatever. You can get a place there. What is the one thing to do to get that? START!
...and stop thinking XD. Imagine this field as a battle. Only thoughtless, not analysing humans can be brave, because instead of reflecting they attack.
So think: this alien white field is is your life. Fight for it!
P.S. I chose Rocky Balboa t-shirt to emphasize my fighting nature. What do you think about my OOD? XD
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