
Even if I am positive to make legal all the recreational drugs, I don't take and I will never take meth. I just took this for my attention span!

I used to work with a really quirky, intelligent man who took some type of ADD drug that was given to college students here in the US, its supposed to make you "smarter" and keep you awake and alert. He stayed on it for 3 days straight and fell asleep in his car for about 8 hours after he finally decided to go home. No way would I take any shit like that or Meth either. I was just joking with you, btw. About 10 years ago, a girlfreind of mine from Cuba, took some "roofy" pill, and fell asleep, when she woke up, she was under her neighbors SUV in the neighbors garage, and had a handful of frozen meat she was trying to eat raw, under the car. She had gotten the steak out of her neighbors freezer after going over there in her sleep. Note to self- Never take that shit. My neighbor down the road got put on ambien for sleep, and he started sleep walking. He was cutting wood butt naked with a chainsaw and was covered in wood chips and splinters before his wife could snap him out of it, 15 minutes later.

FUCK! Those are some crazy stories!?!?!

Tiger Woods was on Ambien when he totally fucked up his life.

I am not that expert and I don't want to fuck up my life, but I laugh at those stories big time :D