Experiment with Methylphenidate - the viagra for women

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

Yesterday afternoon I took 25mg of Methylphenidate.
How? Why? What is it?


Methylphenidate (more well known as Ritanil) is a drug for ADD/ADHD.
It's banned in Cambodia because ADD/ADHD is generally considered to be a disease invented by Americans who like to medicate their children instead of dealing with them. Many parts of the rest of the world (Cambodia included) don't consider it a legitimate problem worthy of medication.

Nowadays in the Wild West a large number of doctors prescribe them to adults. The claim is that by adulthood the hyperactivity is no longer a factor, but the ADD itself is still present.
I have not read much of the literature lately.

However, coming to me. In Cambodia you don't need a script for anything: morphine, ketamine, valium, xanax, sold.
You only need money!

Photos of me and a mate covered in fake money during the shooting of this silly video


I tried it because I have been lacking of concentration and inspiration.
Lately life situation made me more distract, being forced to focus my energies on something it was not worth and not wanted.
I couldn't focus in one single activity, therefore I initiated many, procrastinated mostly and I achieved none.

One a plus side, this drug doesn't have toxic side effects. It is not highly addictive and it doesn't make feel dizzy or rough.

First, it felt high, with heart palpitation. Hands and feet sweating and mouth salivating for the excitement. I was very aware and my brain was focusing on every single thought.
I didn't really like to be that focused: it has a potential to make me paranoid.
After 3-4 hours I had some mood swings in this order: up-contemplative- sad-cuddly-horny as fuck.
Then I went to sleep.
This morning I woke up and I had zero appetite. I couldn't eat at all.
I only took a cappuccino that made me high again. Hands and feet sweating again, mouth extra-salivating.
Right now I am feeling hyper-active and extremely euphoric- all what the methylphenidate was supposed to do (help me to focus more) is giving me the opposite effect: I am looking at different things and running after thousands different thoughts.
How fascinating to see how brain works!

Methylphenidate makes me horny like a cat in spring.
I want to fuck every hard thing I see around. I am not like that, not even the day before my period, when my hormones are rockets.
Now, excuse me, I am going to watch 3000 hours of boring surreal porn until I don't calm down.
I will definitively not take it again and recommend to not take it and not giving it to any child. It is not helping me to work or have bigger attention span. It is not giving space for more creativity.
It's complete bullshit.
I leave you with a sexy selfie.


Wow.. that drug sounds insane. And this also explains your comment on my post. :P

Sounds like an experiment worth doing but what the fuck are people giving to their kids if this is what it does??

You should try the MEDIKINET instead of the Ritalin :-)
But at least the Selfie is super !!!!,.. what should I look now ,.... ;-)

Ohhhh, thank you ;)
MEDIKINET seems to have the same chemical principle but lighter.
Here in Cambodia is banned and they only have 1 brand! Goddamn. However, I don't think I will try it again.

:-) You will sure be back in reality again, and also find your focus and attention. Keep up the spirit and enjoy!

They haven't sold Ritalin in the States in over a decade. Now we have Adderall (which I abuse enthusiastically, right now as a matter of fact). I have experienced all of the side effects you have described. Try taking lower doses and you get more of the focus and less humping the couch cushions meth effects.

if you want my honest good opinion, the least harmful way that wastes the least amount of your time (unlike smoking it or snorking it, which is all people do all day who do it that way it seems to me ) ..... The best route is rectally. Meaning, you crush it to powder, mix it with water, take a syringe with no needle or cap on it (KEY DETAIL THERE!) and then insert that rectally and hit the plunger. It takes effect in seconds to minutes (increasing as it goes) and you can go about your day. That's actually a good way to do MOST drugs to tell you the truth. You may be struck by a sudden urge to use the restroom after doing this, but if you are, you must wait if at all possible for at least 15 minutes so it fully absorbs first.
Is that the weirdest advice you've gotten this week? I would guess so. But it's legit advice and you'll get a better high. And it's a generally safer way of doing drugs in general than most others. This isn't advice most people would be willing to share. They would feel weird about suggesting it.
Putting drugs up your ass is a quick, effective, and safe way of doing them. Have fun. Good night.

That is the most hardcore shit I'll hear all year. Sigh...
unzips pants


The things you do, it makes me laugh. I've never been into drugs and mind altering things myself, probably too much of a control freak to enjoy it, but people do seem to love them.

It is so sad how much we in American pump our children and our population full of drugs. It isn't a cooincidence that so much money is tied into the pharmaceutical industry in our country. I feel sad that children as young as 3 and 4 are taking drugs given to them by loving parents, oh well.

It looks like you had fun, @sandrina.life sort of fun. My ,you'd be bored with my idea of fun that's for sure :)

You never know. I'm also able to conduct a quiet and calm life (sometimes)

Oh man, I guess it was banned for a reason. Here, it's not mainly because it isn't a serious issue, rather there are more safer alternatives to deal with the condition. I bet this is what those college kids are taking to help them study for the finals. It's ironic how it had that kind of effect on you. Perhaps it did make you focus more, but it just so happens the focus was redirected to your nethers.

". In Cambodia you don't need a script for anything, morphine, ketamine, valium, xanax, sold.
You only need money!

Thats fing awesome that you can buy ketamine. I saw on YT about Cambodia, happy shakes/pizza's its on the top of my list now.

" I am not like that

haha yeah yeah thats what they all say:P


The Methylphenidate you took over reacted on your system or maybe the 25gm is too much for your body to cope with, maybe try reducing it next time to 10mg. Don't feel to erotic to yourself try and get a good man to date and keep you warm

I agree 100%. More than 24 hours have gone and I still feel electric.
By the way, I don't need a good man to keep me warm!

I think that micro dosing had a similar effect on you too. It sent you bananas. Also, i thought that Ritalin made you less creative, though I cannot be sure, I will read up on that one.

5$ for 1 pill. The pharmacist told me if you buy 5 I will sell it for 20$. No ethic at all- like a real drug dealer.
Cambodia is dang.

I'm confused - the pill is banned in Cambodia but you can still buy it without a prescription? Or is it just forbidden to use it on children?

It really is amazing that a drug that has such intense effects (including making you horny) is something that we FORCE millions of kids to take every day in America.

It's banned and illegal here in Cambodia. Some pharmacies still sell it illegally to make money, as they sell loads of other stuff that are difficoult to by at the counter without a script in any country in the Western World.
Ritanil was very strong to me. It still is. I won't do it again. Nice try tho.

Methylphenidate - keyword "date". You should have taken Methylphenismart or Methylphenigenius instead.

Even if I am positive to make legal all the recreational drugs, I don't take and I will never take meth. I just took this for my attention span!

I used to work with a really quirky, intelligent man who took some type of ADD drug that was given to college students here in the US, its supposed to make you "smarter" and keep you awake and alert. He stayed on it for 3 days straight and fell asleep in his car for about 8 hours after he finally decided to go home. No way would I take any shit like that or Meth either. I was just joking with you, btw. About 10 years ago, a girlfreind of mine from Cuba, took some "roofy" pill, and fell asleep, when she woke up, she was under her neighbors SUV in the neighbors garage, and had a handful of frozen meat she was trying to eat raw, under the car. She had gotten the steak out of her neighbors freezer after going over there in her sleep. Note to self- Never take that shit. My neighbor down the road got put on ambien for sleep, and he started sleep walking. He was cutting wood butt naked with a chainsaw and was covered in wood chips and splinters before his wife could snap him out of it, 15 minutes later.

FUCK! Those are some crazy stories!?!?!

Tiger Woods was on Ambien when he totally fucked up his life.

I am not that expert and I don't want to fuck up my life, but I laugh at those stories big time :D

Your my kind of girl sandrina! :-)

Stay real and natural. Throw all the pills in the garbage.

I know. I haven't done that crap anymore.