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RE: In Love with Fine Things & The Neighborhood - FASHION ART

in #bloglast year

That is very true, you are only as good as your last article as they say! lol

I understand what you are saying, I was referring to laws that existed for a long time in the US more than in Europe that did not allow companies to discrimate against smaller businesses on pricing due to their size. (Bulk discounts etc) This regulation was repelled and had a bad effect on small businesses throughout the US and we can see the centralisation of power in most industries of just 2-3 major players... this then is how we can have so much manipulation of society by the controllers imo.

Things are anyway too far gone and the whole system needs to be pulled down and regulation would not save it now imo! We just need to adapt and do the best we can, as our forefathers have done.

Grüß aus Hessen!