They Do As They’re Told

in #blog4 years ago (edited)

With each passing day, the authoritarian stance of the government reveals it’s disdain for the individual and their families. Using this crises to become tyrants in some areas, any pretensions one has rights under the constitution are being shed. Many woke people have realized this for many years, the ranks growing as more witness the terror being enacted in the so called name of the greater good. Among some of the more chilling examples seen in states such as Michigan and Washington.

Many innocent folks who have found themselves to be the targets of an unjust CPS system where rights are suspended know this all to well. They flex their legal authorization to kidnap children from homes with no present danger and place them in a foster care system provably more dangerous based on statistics. In states such as Washington, the governor is declaring that like we saw last week in California, a declaration is being made that children will be ripped from loving homes if any present in the home are suspected of having Covid.

In this video below, Ammon Bundy, whose own family was the target of a corrupt greedy government, shares video of the Governor stating he will use National Guard to rip these families apart. And that he can because

They Do As Their Told!

Make note of the numbers Ammon provides on the actual threat numbers there that they use to justify this absurd power grab on those they believe they own.

Of course, the WHO has been transparent as well that this needs to be done in the fight to stop the virus.

And of course Ventura County in Ca.

People better wake up, and fast. They are greatly expanding the unconstitutional CPS program to target ALL HOUSEHOLDS now. All of us they believe are owned. Of course, this will not apply to the wealthy parasites who bleed their wealth from our sweat. They are above such indignity.

They reveal as well they will not accept any of their violence enforcers to question clear abuse of power. This officer made a video on being ordered to violate the constitution and officers need to refuse.

He Was Told To Take It Down Or Be Fired

Put Aside Your Partisan Differences

This is no time to allow the partisan arguments they create to divide us. The petty bullshit they use to stir us against one another while they strip us of our sweat and dignity will be the death of many of us, the kidnapping of many of us if most of us don’t wake up. For those who think this is just a liberal problem, here is your president basically admitting he will be forcing us to get a hastily made vaccine at years end. The one where he promises there will be three hundred MILLION by end of January. Please do not allow your stance on vaccines in general enter into this discussion. It will only serve to divide us when no science has EVER produced a vaccine this quickly. Hell, they don’t even have a vaccine for the first time this came around years ago. Please don’t allow any anti-vaccine stance you may hold taint the discussion. Contrary to what many who are on the right may feel, not all to the left are idiots incapable of dialogue. But to have a dialogue, one must afford the courtesy of dignity and listening. Arguing over vaccinations already here will prevent that common ground. The common ground that no way under accepted science can this thing be made safely in this time frame.

And while on the topic, for those of you Trump die hards on the right, here he is discussing using the military to administer these vaccination.

Now I get some could argue he was a lifelong Democrat before running as a Republican in some feigned attempt to salvage the image of their cult brand of politics. But the fact is, both sides are different tools used to present an illusion of freedom while they work in unison to further enslave all of us. The your side/my side needs to get solved and quick. Just for shits and giggles, here is a hearing on government contracts being awarded to companies proven to be involved in the sex trade. It isn’t just those on the left in power participating, as I see insinuated with all the Epstein/Clinton tirades. Put the blinders down and understand many on both sides are involved in ALL of this.

To sum up, they are letting us know they are coming to our doors. They being military. They will be kidnapping an undetermined amount of us. They will be separating families. They will be forcing an unsafe injection into us. Better wake the hell up, your cult party affiliation will not give you immunity. Better understand the only way this MIGHT be stopped is if we understand we are neighbors, brothers and sisters. This includes the men and women with guns who they say WILL FOLLOW ORDERS.

They Would Know Just A Little More

In their continued war on terror that seems to be a cover to clamp down on our freedom from their tyranny, they now have pushed to openly spy on your internet browsing without just cause, without a judge signing off on it. I think most of us understood that they had many judges who would rubber stamp their requests, but this will streamline the process as they now don’t need to gain their legal papers to justify what in all likelihood they have been doing all along. It seems to me that the terrorists for the average person are the ones calling the shots with their real threat of violence against us. Demanding a level of transparency and permission slips that they are immune from.

They violate us at every turn now, and rub our faces in it with phrases like war on terror. Frankly, I find their actions terrifying and believe it should be renamed. The War OF Terror seems apropos. Find their self serving enrichment policies at our expense appalling. To keep this already lengthy article from evolving into a book (or series of books) I refrain from adding many of their schemes that reveal their greed, such as the land grab against Ammon Bundy and his father. I will mention in that case we saw Oath-keepers show up ready to trade bullets with the BLM over their unconstitutional land grab for senatorial profit scheme.

Will also mention the Feinstein post office scandal that should be questioned more than ever now that the post office is bleeding money.

These abuses are everywhere, many schemes one that would put the citizens (chattel) in prison.

Enough is enough.


Wake up and stand up for your rights before you have non.

here is your president basically admitting he will be forcing us to get a hastily made vaccine at years end.

Yeah, that was bit shocking. Is it a ruse? A way to get the military spread nationwide for 'something coming'?
(and nothing to do with con-ovirus, obviously).

The facts point to one thing, but my (optimistic) bias continues to whisper another...bugger...

My optimism has waned with each year of his presidency watching those he called out during his election to continue about their business. At this point I lean towards he has great speech writers like Hitler did, as the emotions he taps are similar. Very similar script really.