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RE: Thought your government was a joke? Check this out!

in #blog • 3 years ago

In the Philippines, we have the Secretary of the Department of Health. We've had the same one since 2017 🤣. The guy's been making an awful lot of shady decisions lately. The pandemic was really just an eye-opener how rotten the system in the PH was. It's as if all its issues were accumulatively buried under the rug hoping it would go away, and the pandemic lifted it up.


Wow, so sorry to hear this... Is corruption also a part of the current "health crisis" in your country?

Yes, very.

Everyone in the country is actually quite angry, but at the same time unsurprised anymore of the level of absurdity in the government's mismanagement of funds. The pandemic really lifted that thick blanket of denial off. Everyone lost a huge deal of trust in the government and is making the pandemic situation here worse.

Sounds pretty bad. Countries with dense population and not so efficient healthcare system are at a great risk during the pandemic so I hope you guys will make it somehow. Fingers crossed.