Thought your government was a joke? Check this out!

in #blog3 years ago (edited)

Hi there my Hivean friends and followers!

You might know that it´s only very rarely that I write about politics here on my blog but I am going to make an exception today because there is this crazy situation in my country that is impossible to ignore. But don´t get me wrong here, I consider myself a Czech patriot that is generally very proud of his homeland - I have lived in a number of countries around the world so I can compare and I know that my homeland is actually a very decent place to live with few things to really complain about. Still, however, our politicians stage these crazy shows sometimes that are beyond understanding to the rest of the world (and most us too actually). The latest example of such an "event"? The completion of the ultimately absurd cycle of Ministers of Health.

Let me guide you through this craziness step by step. When the covid pandemic broke out in Europe at the beginning of 2020, Adam Vojtech was the Minister of Health. A few months later, in September 2020, Vojtech was replaced by Roman Prymula. Only a month later, Prymula was replaced by Jan Blatny. Blatny was in charge until April 2021 when he was replaced by Petr Arenberg. And finally, some 6 weeks later, this absurd circle is complete as Arenberg was replaced by Adam Vojtech earlier today on May 25.

So during the period of just a bit more than one year, the Czech Republic has had 5 Ministers of Health but technically 4 because the first of them was just "reinstalled" into the office again today. How crazy is that?! And please no, don´t even get me started on the reasons behind this insane shuffle...

Let me wrap this post up with a picture that I saw on the Internet just a while ago. The Czech people are known to have a very special sense of humor and we make fun of everything so I expect a lot of memes like this one to start flooding our social media :)


Image source:

The confused Death says: "I guess I need a vacation."

How is the situation in your countries guys? How many Ministers of Health have you had since the beginning of the pandemic? Let us know in the comment section below ;)

I don´t even know what Community a post like this one should go into so I am just posting it on my blog.

This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.


Thank you for visiting my blog. If you like posts about Nature, Animals, Ecology, Crypto, Traveling, Photography and discovering secrets and beauties of the World, feel free to follow me as these are the topics I mostly write about. Have a wonderful day and keep on hiving! :)


Todo es posible!!😎 #fullcircle

Jsou to šašci. Svět se musí bavit, co se tady děje. Ještě, že jsme malá země.

Jako je třeba uznat, že ta pandemie je poměrně mimořádná a krizová záležitost a že tím pádem i tlak na ministerstvo zdravotnictví, potažmo ministra, byl a pořád je nestandardní, ale i tak mi tyhle škatule hejbejte se přijdou fakt směšné... Jsem zvědav, jestli se mi sem ozve někdo ze zahraničí, abychom viděli, jak to v tomto ohledu vypadá jinde :) Třeba nejsme zas až takoví exoti :D

Asi všichni mají nějaké takové excesy :)

In the Philippines, we have the Secretary of the Department of Health. We've had the same one since 2017 🤣. The guy's been making an awful lot of shady decisions lately. The pandemic was really just an eye-opener how rotten the system in the PH was. It's as if all its issues were accumulatively buried under the rug hoping it would go away, and the pandemic lifted it up.

Wow, so sorry to hear this... Is corruption also a part of the current "health crisis" in your country?

Yes, very.

Everyone in the country is actually quite angry, but at the same time unsurprised anymore of the level of absurdity in the government's mismanagement of funds. The pandemic really lifted that thick blanket of denial off. Everyone lost a huge deal of trust in the government and is making the pandemic situation here worse.

Sounds pretty bad. Countries with dense population and not so efficient healthcare system are at a great risk during the pandemic so I hope you guys will make it somehow. Fingers crossed.

Hello my friend in the Philippines we call the head of the health department as Health Secretary, and he’s been in the position since 2017 up to now. No replacement even during the pandemic.

Thanks for your feedback, I wanted to say that having the same person for so long means that he probably has been doing a good job but from what @proteancreator just wrote here in the comment, it seems that it´s not the case, unfortunately...Stay guys in the Philipines safe and healthy!

The thing is Vojtěch probably ended this work for a reason. Will he remain? I don't know. Prime minister will have to remain in charge of the country, until the election is completed and a new government named. Given the fact, that most of the political capital will be between one 2-party coalition and one 3-party coalition who will probably not have enough by themselves, I do not believe that the negotiations will go as fast. Perhaps, we will get one or two more health ministers?

No co jsem teď viděl ty poslední průzkumy, tak to bude asi ještě hodně zajímavé :) Sázkovky by mohly vypsat kurzy, kolik ministrů zdravotnictví se u nás ještě do té doby protočí :D

Já jsem právě viděl, že by ty dvě koalice mohly získat nějakých 47-48%. A jestli budou Komíci, koalice Svobodných, Přísaha, Socani, Zelení a další všichni nakonec pod 5%, pak by ty dvě koalice měly mít většinu.

A co preference? Já jsem si zatím četl jenom předběžné program koalice ODS a líbilo se mi snížení daní. Ale nerad volím tyhle staré strany.

history is repeating it self :D

mimořádná situace vyžaduje mimořádná opatření :) ministerstvem zdravotnictví teď tečou velký peníze tak je třeba udělat chaos aby nikdo nikdy nezjistil kam že to vlastně tekly a hlavně rozmazat odpovědnost takovým způsobem aby zůstala navždy mlhavá...
--> tohle dokáže jen vláda opravdových expertů


Pokud šlo opravdu o to udělat na tom ministerstvu co největší chaos a bordel, tak to se jim opravdu podařilo, o tom žádná :D Při tak velkém počtu ministrů za tak krátké období je nějaká zodpovědnost prakticky nedohledatelná...

no já bych to tak prostě viděl :) je to smutný ale je to tak... korupce v česku pořád jede na hesle: kdo nekrade snáma krade proti nám...