Beating Doom as a... pacisift!

in #blog4 years ago (edited)


This Corona thing has made me quite unproductive and I find myself watching in the evening all kind of random YouTube videos.

Today I mostly watched playthroughs and speedruns of old pc videogames, reminiscing of all the FPS I used to play as a child.. Like, Quake, Unreal, Duke nukem and of course Doom... And some other nice and not so known gems that I will tell you about tomorrow :)

Anyways.. I think I was about 8 when I first played Doom on my 486 pc. Till then my gaming experience mostly involved atari 2600 and sega master system games.. Imagine my amazement when going from something colorful and cute like this

To something vile and dark like this

Ahh, those were some good times :) Oh well, I sidetracked a bit.. Everyone who has played Doom knows that it involves a LOT of demon killing... But there is another way to beat the game... Without shooting a fucking single bullet...Withought punching them to death...Without killing a single fucking spawn of Satan!

Prepare to get your mind blown:


Now, I want to see if it's possible to do the same with Doom (2016) and Doom Eternal.

The video beating doom without firing any shots feels like a very weird racing game :P