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RE: Robot Disco Party

in #body10 months ago

I work out. Usually at home with dumbbells. I haven't had a gym membership for some years but I had good experiences there and the pool is always nice during cold seasons when one can't swim outdoors.

My sport is water volleyball which is tons of fun and builds good team skills. You and your team do better when you set others and take three hits before getting the ball over the net. I only play this now, in the summer months.

I have a "move it or lose it" mentality which motivates me, so I keep moving! I only play water volleyball once a week and lift the weights about the same. But I walk just about every night and I do try to stay conscious of my body while I do that. Keeping my posture in proper form, lifting my feet a little higher than they really need to be, enjoying the nature that surrounds me.

Sounds like you know what you like, regarding exercise, and I'm glad you're able to participate in these things that you connect with.


Sounds like you've got a good engaging workout schedule in your life. Water volleyball sounds pretty cool - I'm not big on team sports, but if I were to try, it'd definitely be a water sport!