Robot Disco Party

in #body9 months ago

I got a gym membership last week. Not for long, don't see myself renewing it past the month, but there it is. It's not the gym that appeals, it's the pool, which is 5 minutes from where I live, and open till late, and clean and what not. When I'm swimming, I'm in my element. I don't actually know if I'm a water person, though falling into Aquarius, feels like that's right, doesn't it? I don't know.

Anyway, I've been going swimming, and there is such a place of tremendous inner connection when I'm underwater. A wonderful freedom like none I've ever known. Part of the reason why, if and when I move, it'll have to be somewhere near a (decent temperature) water. I want to swim daily. I went to this same gym for about four months straight, during the pandemic (before the medical tyranny dictated declared the unvaxxed personae non gratae), and swam nearly every single day for four months. I loved it. I felt clear-headed, and healthy, and strong.

It also forced me into a distraction-free space of quiet inside my head, where I could think and order my thoughts.

See, I have a very testy relationship with exercise in that I'm not a fan of working out to build muscle or just work out. I like the movement I engage in to be conscious, and connecting. And that's not what you get at the gym, in my experience.

I popped into the gym itself a couple of nights ago, as I felt obligated. Since I'm paying, I should be taking advantage of that, right? I don't know how to work most of the machines in the gym, so I just stuck to the bicycle thing and the treadmill. All in all, I was there maybe 20 minutes, and spent that time observing the people around me.

They were all so... disengaged. There was zero internal focus. They weren't feeling the increased heartrate or enjoying that daily sweat (I do think there can be tremendous value in daily exercise and a routine practice). There was this one guy, corporate-looking type, sat on the bike next to mine. Spent the entire time I was there staring into his phone, scrolling some social media or another while his legs did the work. Totally out of where his body was at that moment, or what was being done.

I'm not a fan of that.

I think, when you move, it should be a conscious thing. Fine, you can't be conscious all the time of every single step you take. But to be fair, you probably walk a lot more than you actively work out. So in that time, it seems to me like you should be present.
I took up running (also as a result of pandemic regulations that were more lenient towards joggers), and remember enjoying the fairly rare moments when I actually did run enough for my heart rate to go up, and feel that cool expansion in my lungs. I loved that feeling, and felt myself fully present. I had to be. I was paying attention to how I breathed, how I moved, if I could go a little further.

WhatsApp Image 2023-08-10 at 15.45.24.jpeg
Felt weird snapping people working out, so here's me on my way out xD

I don't like gym culture because it's

(a) disconnected -- a lot of people I see are just listening to podcasts, or scrolling their phone. They are not in their bodies. And it seems strange to me because we don't know how long we'll be in these bodies, so maybe taking 30 minutes, maybe an hour a day to observe them and truly feel them isn't that outrageous, you know?

(b) vain -- I get it. People work out to look good nowadays. But maybe we could turn that into a byproduct, rather than the main goal. There were these two guys that almost made me fall off the treadmill, as I was watching them. They were working some chest press thing, taking turns, and each guy, when it was his turn, would stare intently into the wall mirror. Like "yeah you look good tiger".

Maybe you know the scene in Friends where Ross is hiding under the bed and hears Bruce Willis' character encouraging and pumping himself up in the mirror before making a move on Rachel? It was cringe. The scene at the gym was exactly that.

Yes, you want to work out to have a tight, well-muscled body and look fine. That's alright, it'd be a stretch to ask people to quit that entirely. But maybe you can get there by practicing something that makes you honor your body and respect it, rather than treat it like a machine.

We're not robots. Our bodies aren't automated. We act like we need to work our bodies out regularly to keep them working right. Like a car tune-up. Like it's a chore.

I wonder, how can moving your body, feeling your strength and grace and equilibrium pass for a bothersome, tedious chore in this world?

So if I want to look good, I'd go for a type of exercise I enjoy, like some type of power yoga, pilates, swimming,or dancing. Obviously, what you connect with may differ. But at least make sure you connect with something, that you're not just moving on auto-pilot. Doesn't it seem a shame?

There'll come a time when these people miss the days when they were young and could lift or press or run the way they do now. They'll miss that looseness and freedom in their body. Yet now that they do have it, they put it on auto-pilot. Sad.

Do you work out? Or practice some sport? What's your relationship with it? And what motivates you?



I work out. Usually at home with dumbbells. I haven't had a gym membership for some years but I had good experiences there and the pool is always nice during cold seasons when one can't swim outdoors.

My sport is water volleyball which is tons of fun and builds good team skills. You and your team do better when you set others and take three hits before getting the ball over the net. I only play this now, in the summer months.

I have a "move it or lose it" mentality which motivates me, so I keep moving! I only play water volleyball once a week and lift the weights about the same. But I walk just about every night and I do try to stay conscious of my body while I do that. Keeping my posture in proper form, lifting my feet a little higher than they really need to be, enjoying the nature that surrounds me.

Sounds like you know what you like, regarding exercise, and I'm glad you're able to participate in these things that you connect with.

Sounds like you've got a good engaging workout schedule in your life. Water volleyball sounds pretty cool - I'm not big on team sports, but if I were to try, it'd definitely be a water sport!

I am not a gym person. If you exercise, I think it should be outside, you know where you can breathe in fresh air. I stay fit by dancing, walking and cycling. Things I do most days.
Dancing is also my meditation.
I do think its important to be strong, but that also comes with living a more physical lifestyle.
Which isn't always an option for some, I get that.
Give me the great outdoors any day xxxxxx

I agree! I try to practice yoga outdoors as much as the heat allows. Cycling, too, seems more logical to get a bike and actually go somewhere. I saw there are even stair machines in the gym to mimick going up the stairs. Which is bizarre, as so much of Bucharest is apartment blocks and tall buildings with stairs xD

Dance on 🤍

I prefer functional fitness - I tried some machines out in a gym a few months ago first time innages - they just didn't feel natural! Looking good!

Functional fitness as in daily natural exercise? Why, thank you 🤭

Well that but also chin ups battle ropes body weight squats lifting rocks resitance bands and so on! I enjoy a good circuits session!

Lol, yeah, gyms are so weird. I cant do it. Really i have issues with consistency and especially issues with doing boring things i dont enjoy, so running or biking or pumping irons…all just sound so unappealing to me.
Training ping pong has been my thing lately. If you take it seriously, you really work up a sweat, and i find it fun… so i dont mind doing that kind of routine.

"Issues with doing boring things I don't enjoy" should be a motto! You train others? That sounds pretty neat. It's definitely one of the more fun sports, I think. I've had a few people trying to teach me, but I lack the competitive streak, so I always end up laughing around and being silly xD but hey, i hear that burns calories, too!

I like the movement I engage in to be conscious and connect.

his legs did the work. Totally out of where his body was at that moment, or what was being done.

Honor your body and respect it, rather than treat it like a machine.

At least make sure you connect with something, that you're not just moving on auto-pilot.

#TeacherMode 😁

I think the only thing that interests you in the gym is the pool and not the gym
Nice one!

Exercise is so important! I've been doing some kind of regular workout since I was 15 or so. It's been a lot of trial and error but after 37 years I've narrowed down my daily routine to this....qi-gong for 20 min each morning, a 20 min Russian kettlebell routine (30lb), Navy Seal Burpees, a 3 to 5 mile bike ride, and 20 min of stair climbing (2x a day). I used to really be into heavy weight training but found the burpees to be more effective at building muscle. For the first time since I was a teen, I have zero back pain because the burpees strengthen your core and stabilize the spine. It's become so much a part of my routine that I feel like crap if I skip more than one day. It helps regulate your mood and it also improves cognitive function.

It's good you started young. I talk to a lot of people who say they can't start exercising now as they've never done it (regularly), so it seems the earlier you start this habit, the easier it is to keep your practice.

Sounds like you've got quite a competent workout going! I like that there's a lot of variety packed in there, so you don't risk getting bored of the same. Very intense, too.

Qigong is definitely on my list of things to check out, though I'd like to try with a teacher at first and there are no events in the summer.

I really like this workout routine because it works well while traveling (except for the kettlebell portion). I highly recommend qi-gong. It really helps to center you and keep you connected to the here and now. Enjoy your weekend!

I don't use to gym, but exercise is good for body fitness. I'm glad you are able to participate in those those things you are connected with.