Back To The Bonsai.

in #bonsai2 years ago

Hey everyone who can guess what epic bonsai tree I have managed to cultivate here in the first pic??

I'm truly so proud of this epic macademia nut bonsai that I finally managed to cultivate successfully after many arduous attempts.




I recently went to a mates house and saw his incredible macademia nut tree, naturally I took a few nuts and planted them, only one sprouted and what a beauty it is.

Above we have my wilde sering and below my oak tree. I have really been quiet blessed and successful with the array of bonsai trees I have managed to cultivate from seed.



My leopard tree above really coming along incredibly well and the two pics below that of my glorious coral tree. When this flowers it will have a sea of red incredible blooms, probably only in a few years time however, I cant wait!





Here we have 2 pictures of my white stinkwood looking a glorious lush green and then my son Jesse's baobab tree really coming along nicely and growing as fast as he is.


The last pic is my Acacia paper bark also thriving.


Wasn't that just spectacular?
Nature the incredible.
Have a wonderful array of mini natural beauty.

Have a lovely Tuesday.
Love light and blessings


Stunning! I would need to order a couple of trees from you! Just keep the squirrels away; we have two pecan trees close to us and we have never harvested any nuts yet. Damn squirrels! Impressive skills you have!

Lol damn squirrels... doubt they would crack a macadamia though?? Cheer$;)

I think they bury it and in their mindset, it softens the shell. So guess what, my whole garden is always sprouting with pecan trees! So maybe they will plant macadamia trees for you 🤣 cheers!