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RE: Fyrstikken and @booster bot just declared war on #newsteem

in #bots5 years ago

Chbartist botted for 99% of his payout. Elsie got voted by other people for 100% of her payout.
So your problem is her making posts 3 times a day?
You are saying that 1 post per day is ok but 3 posts is abusive and comparative to people circle jerking to top of the trending page as well as buying votes to top the trending?
Shes a vlogger and your evaluation of the work of a vlogger is always subjective. Whats her personality like etc.
And shes a full time steemian so if she wants to make a few $$$ on steem she has to post in high quantity. Thats how steem works.
Youll never find high effort high quality content created specifically for steem because that would be a waste of time. Especially with hf21.

Right now the most votes anyone can get organically is around 120$ which amounts to less then 50$ then split 50/50 into liquid steem and SP.
You can basically earn 25$ if you get votes by dan, gtg, smooth, acid, ocd, blocktrades. Etc
Its a fucking waste of time creating anything of effort and seeing it missed because its not steem related.

Content just needs to be good enough and elsies is.

Posted using Partiko Android


Not exactly the whole truth, she is followed around, as one example, Fulltimegeeks full time bot system. If I wanted to spend all day researching I am sure I could find and interlink more. Plus who wouldn't want to put her on auto vote...she's guaranteed money three times a day for a majority low grade quality post.

Yes if it was criminal compared to chbartist she's a minor offender of milking the system. I've been pretty harsh on chbartist myself, even wrote a post about it if you care to go look.