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RE: Mallora Sunrise

in #bpd • 3 years ago

Dang it, Ash. 😔

While I'm so sorry to hear how things have turned out, I still have to yell at commend you for such a beautifully stated, if heart poking, post. I know some people with BPD, and seeing what their friends and family go through, as well as their own struggles... well, suffice to say I'm glad you decided to shine a bit of light on it.

Sending loads of good juju in your direction, dear man.


Thanks Traci, especially for the juju I hear that works wonders. You know, I'm actually doing alright. Five hours on the phone last night helps, and I should remember to do that more. 🌷

Absolutely. Nothing like a good phone chat to help put things in perspective. 🤗

And to make it official...

I loved this show, this woman probably one of my first crushes :)

I loved the show too, but Lynda Carter was one of my first (I prefer I actually met Elizabeth Montgomery when I was about 5 years old - she was in my hometown filming the episode where Darren gets turned into a fisherman statue. My parents brought me to the boulevard and at some point she apparently shook my hand (I still recall looking up at her but don't remember the rest) and told my parents I had beautiful eyes. 🤩