Stock market crash predicted

in #business6 years ago

Global Economic recession of 2018/2019

We had a bull market since 2009.Probably the longest bull market in recent times. Since Jan 2018, market have reached peak and since then declined.We have seen massive sell off and then rally, but if you look at the chart, its clear the trend is downwards.

Current economic matrix

They are all strong, low unemployment, high consumer confidence and so on.But the stock market is based on future earnings and its clear that there is concern about the future.Rightfully so, the massive debt based tax cuts should add to this. The biggest concern would, when the big correction hit, there is not much tool left to help.

Technical Analysis

Like Dow Theory is almost showing bear market, same with computer models at different investment firms...

But all the analyst says keep invested ,yeah sure, so you will loose all your money.. nobody can time the market but I think the sense is we are close to another recession. Better hope it wont be as brutal as 2008!!! Cant think about the investment loses and job loses every where


Thank you friend for best blog to community @sanees

Yep, I remember my Dad talking about a big correction/crash on the horizon back in 2015!! Guess a lot of people are saying it'll be the worst since the great depression. Good news is after it's over, it'll be the buying opportunity of a lifetime!! :D

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