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RE: What if... Spork - Steem without SteemIt, Inc

in #busy5 years ago

While feasible I can't help but feel this would be some sort of "edison" power move where we're taking someone elses invention and not giving them any credit where it is due. :/


That's hilarious. You have been in crypto right?

Where do you think all the other forks came from?

How about DASH, ZCASH and all the bitcoin forks and what do you suppose open source means?

I'm aware that crypto is ripe with clones and stuff. Been in the ecosystem longer than I like to think about.

Cutting the head off of a hydra just yields more heads.. In this case forking out the largest accounts still leaves Steemit Inc employees (current or former) with highest amounts of stake me thinks.

It's not even a clone. It's a second layer on the existing blockchain to track an alternative token.

Ah, I'd misinterpreted it as a whole new forked chain just without the high level accounts on it..

Interesting idea. Unsure I see the need for it but alas my understanding of the matter is as proven in comments on this thread is minimal.. I'm just going to wish ya'll luck in your endevours and go back to doing whatever I was fiddling with before. :)

 5 years ago  Reveal Comment

Not really for sporking in the first place.. Seems like a divide and conquer thing going on..

Focusing on the chain we currently have makes more sense than trying to hijack it.

Your recent loyalty is cute! :) Said with a dic pic and a smile.

 5 years ago  Reveal Comment

Most of what is actually holding the blockchain back is trying to come to a consensus amongst high rank witnesses and the Steemit Inc developers to be honest. I know it's in fashion to hate on Steemit Inc but ultimately they are the ones who are driving blockchain level development forward for the most part.

That is simply not true and we both know it.

 5 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment