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RE: And Just Like That Everything is Different...

in #busy4 years ago

It was an under performing project


Steem wasnt a blogging platform. It was just one of the use cases. What happens to Steem power and all the intricacies of Steem? I hardly believe Tron can emulate that unless the fucks have been working on creating Steem on Tron over the last year.


who called it a blogging platform.

Steem or SteemIt either one... underperforming. Price, users, transactions all on the decline.

As is the case with everything else. The difference is, is too stupid to lie like everyone else. EOS fakes 80% of their transactions. TRON more then that. Exchanges more then 90% of their volumes.

Its just that is too retarded to follow in suite.
If Tron had 20 million users like Justin says, there would be 0 reason to acquire Steemit.
He could pay a few mil for someone to make a social media site. But realistically thats not the case. He wants to buy US and pay NED.

Crypto is 90% bullshit and 10% transcending.... Its the knowing what is what that makes it exciting.

Yep and a lot of new tech projects fail, make bad decisions and more and some survive.

It certainly is high risk and exciting.