The Uniqueness Of Being An African Man....

in #busy7 years ago

Hello Steemians,

If i have another chance to come to this beautiful world again ,i'd still love to be a Black Man.

Hehehehe I know most of us might be wondering why i said so. Maybe as you continue reading i'm sure you will see reasons why i said so...

I still remain segun reus aka Professional Uncle no kids yet (PUNKY) image3 (26).jpeg

In Africa, actions speak louder than words, especially if there is a barrier between languages.


  • GREETINGS: In Africa, greetings is one of the most important thing to do. Cos it's a sufficient way to make a positive first impression with anyone. Although, here in Nigeria it still depends on the tribe or the region you are from for example, we the yoruba's we always prostrate when greeting as a male & females do get on their knees to greet. Other tribes like hausa's and igbo's hardly do that.

  • HOW WE SHOW RESPECT TO ELDERS: The main reasons why elders are well respected is because of the culture values is based on of past and present. In everything we do we always acknowledge elders and always give them their space in everything we doing. Showing respect to elders mainly pave ways for one to be successful in life for those who believe in it though heheheh...
    Showing respect is in different ways like greeting them first, by letting the ask questions, when it's meal time elders are always served first etc...

  • GOOD WAYS OF DRESSING (MODEST): This is one of the most common thing here in Africa, Nigeria to be precise. Dressing is very important because it will speak for you & it will signify the background you are from. So as they said the way you are dress is the way you will be address. In my own tribe or background (Yoruba) we best known to wear AGBADA don't know what is called in English hehehe, but the picture will be displayed below. In Africa we always modest.

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  • COMMUNICATION: Positive communication is a key African cultural value. Regardless of what the situation is we don't immediately get into discussion of hardship or terrible things when happens. It is rather communicated positively by saying some good things before the man topic can be gradually brought forth.
    Another important thing is the parental communication, here is always important cos that is what the child will live and mostly based his or her life on when growing up.

  • FLEXIBILITY:Here in Africa, we always learn to be flexible. Closely relating to how future-time is of less importance, schedules aren’t always at the forefront of lifestyle. If a plan gets shut down or changes drastically, there’s not always something you can do besides accept it and continue with a positive attitude cos we Africans hardly get disappointed hehehehe......

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Let me just chip this one in in Africa we hardly talk during meal. Simple talk is permissible but much talk can be discussed shortly or immediately after meal. Most importantly we eat with our right hand.


Africans are extremely gracious and caring people, ready to go the extra mile to respect and service others. I'm pretty sure with all i have discussed about you now understand why i said in my next world, i'd still love to be an African man hehehehehehehehe

Thanks for always reading through!

Punky (Professional uncle no kids yet)@segunreus cares! aka


we are Africa routined in culture.

am proud to be an African.

NA SO! Bro we Black’s and remember black’s got no limitations

sure brother

Africa is a mother of greatness with beautiful black blood running through her veins.

Black is beautiful
Rich culture
Rich heritage

Excellent bro! Mother of all greatness!

Everything about Africa is unique and distinct which makes people from all works of life to come to Africa for tourism.
I am proud to be an African anytime any day.

Every time Black is the colour!

Black or nothing bro
Spread the word

I greet you brotherly

Hello! I find your post valuable for the wafrica community! Thanks for the great post! @wafrica is now following you! ALWAYs follow @wafrica and use the wafrica tag!


Made of black!!!!!

I am a proud africa, thanks for fluting it to the world,,,,

Yea yea! The world needs to know we exist ...

African man dey finish work

I greet you brother !

Nice post :)

Awww thanks brother... will be hitting Turkey soonest!

we are Africa routined in culture.

am proud to be an African.

Africa is beautiful....i replied naija

Replied represent naija lol!

Lol..... Wanted to write represent naija.
Auto correct..😂

I love Africa
I love my roots

Black is beautiful
Black is rich
Black is cultured

Hehehehe you forgot to put Black is natural!

I am African, born here (ancestors arrived about 300 years ago) love my people and land.

Clothing you wear (AGBADA ) is cool and comfortable. With our rich Indian culture in KwaZulu-Natal I purchased a couple over the years, cannot remember what name they use for it, 100% cotton, simply the best!

Each ethnic group, tribe or religion has unique code of conduct in family life style making it diversified and interesting to learn.

Awwww thanks Joan! Yea Agbada is actually cool especially if you have the right fabric for it . Regardless of the skin colour we are Africans! Africans ! Ahoooo! 💪🏻

Lol the flexibility one got me. The way we switch plans when one fails is amazing. Truly proud to be African. Stay black 💪 @segunreus

Always black!

Am proudly an African, alongside you

I Don show your side today @segunreus. To be African no be beans. #proudlyAfrican. This is a great post @antigenx

Thanks paddy , its a pleasure you stopping by...