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RE: Busy v2 is now in public beta!

in #busy7 years ago (edited)

The new Busy is too... busy!
Not a fan of the new look.
There is no harmony.
The cyan tags color is out of place.
Like a left over remnant of a past look.
Things are much too large. In your face.
Plus navigation is all over the place.
Why is 'Posts' under profile renamed to discussion.
Then the 'replies' tab is not next to comments.
You have to navigate to the home screen to find it on the left.
The squared look around an avatar, while also placing the avatar aligned left in profile. This feels like old style UI.
The 'interesting people' is a good aspect but it is much too loud.
It overpowers the screen, while the left side where commonly used navigation elements are, feels forgotten. No retainer around it to give it unity with the rest of the look.
Why remove the top navigation of Trending / Hot / New ?
The usage of search there, when search takes viewer away from busy is silly. Putting it under 'News' and then having it again under a drop down menu is not intuitive. Those tabs should be where search is.
Those are THE engagement factors of steemit in general.
Why hide them and make them difficult to get to.
Also clicking the 'Discover More People' does nothing.

This is all highly critical, I know.
It is just my opinion also, I know.
Truth is though.. you should know... you know.


Thanks for the feedback, I agree with a lot of your points. Busy is always continuously improving thanks to feedback like this. We will try to do our best to take a lot of these points into consideration during development. :)