I Survived Crypto-Dump 2018. Mark Yourself Safe In The Comments

in #busy6 years ago

Hey Everyone,

Yesterday I felt like Kermit and I have to admit, I have feelings. Not all of them are good. :) In addition, I have thoughts and fears. Yet, here I am.

I've had to remind myself:

  I am not over-invested, I don't want to, but I can afford to lose it all
  I knew this was a high-risk game when I got in
  With great risk, there is an opportunity for great rewards, and also great losses.

With all that sorted out and feelings still swirling, doubt peering in from the edges, I am here. Safe and Accounted for.

Marking myself Safe and Present.

If you are safe and present, let us know in the comment section.

It is my opinion we really need to focus on retaining those who are here, reading, engaging, voting and helping to build the site.

So, let's hear from you!



I am survived and hope my wife will let me survive as well lol :D


Not just safe but happy. I converted a little fiat into crypto yesterday.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Whoot!! Nice job and congrats. I wanted to, but my husband is taking a new job, and I am struggling with too much change and a desire for security. Weird.

After taking back all of my investment capital and some during the pump up last December I’m happy to sit and HODL for the long term...
Sit back a be patient folks it’s gonna be alright.


You’re words actually brought me comfort .. kinda like the crew on the Titanic as they sunk LOL
No truly you did ease my stress ...

!gif titanic

Being Present is one thing, Safe...mmh, I don't know. Looking at the numbers, I feel just about as Safe as an alcoholic at a liquor store!

Great analogy!! Are we addicts ?? Noooo

!gif liquor store

haha, I loved this comment. I understand. Here and safe, I didn't say comfortable.

Holy crap. I’m so out of the loop. That was one hell of a dump.

I’m safe since I haven’t put any of my own money into crypto. Everything I have was made through Steemit. So that makes me happy.

i'm feeling it a little... in my balls.

I'm just happy I said I was taking a break the day before the crash. There's nothing worse than taking time off just to be labelled the one who quit because the price was low, "just watch, they'll be back when the price is high."

Still alive and well, unfazed. Still ahead, even though I'd prefer to be where we were almost one year ago. Taking time off from producing content because it's tiring delivering #actual-content, daily. Still trying to make an effort to get around so I can:

It is my opinion we really need to focus on retaining those who are here, reading, engaging, voting and helping to build the site.

That's important and just because I take a break, I don't want to see others follow suit, which is what typically happens when a curator leaves completely.

Funny thing is, I was getting ready to take a break too. I guess we will have to take turns.

I wont lie... the market really does a number in our psyche but to be honest with you, after the initial dafuq nothing much as changed...

I'm still as confident as I was when the bear market seemed years away...

So... still here, still building! ;)

I'm here, a tiny bit shook up, but no worse for the wear.

All thanks to the bitcoin cash hardfork crazy mania ;) $afe !!!


I have changed my perspective now, I don't think about dollar value much. I rather focus on accumulating more coins of my fav projects

That's a wise plan.

Yeah. I think I survived it.


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Enjoy the Bliss!

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It's great (for me) that STEEM went to almost 0.5€, now I will be able to buy more STEEM!!!

I'm going to buy 5k € worth of STEEM soon.

Posted using Partiko Android

That's cool, glad to hear some are buying.

Define "safe".

haha, well you are still typing, so there is that!


It is good I have work in real life that help me to do not be so afraid of this down trends but ... of course it affects me in one way or another because I have invested time in all this too ;)
Pd: I never invested money in crypto, or at least not directly, maybe in electricity whe I was a miner.

It's been ages since we lost that much money that fast!

Sucks doesn't it? Still sitting on a new record low portfolio right now.

I can barely look at my portfolio

It reminds me that I sort of ignored basic investment stuff I already knew from the sharemarket - and fantasized that cryptos were somehow different - but investments all follow the same patterns - I'm picking cryptos to still go slightly lower yet, and I would only even think about buying any after seeing at least a 10% gain from whatever low point we reach

i wrote off all my crypto investment the day I invested it.


!gif safe

That cat doesn’t look safe 😂☝🏽

Haha, glad you are here

I'm not safe at all lol

Ohhh... sad and unsafe are two different things.

Then I'm sad that I ain't safe lol. The market is just redddddddd!! Sad as one would loose 500$ within hours gosh!!

yeah it was rough. I think today feels worse than yesterday.

We aren't over-invested, but still have feeeeeelings! Just like Kermy.

But... haven't given up or given in...

I'm officially:

Safe & Present 😎

Glad to see it!!! Hang on tight, bumpy road ahead!

Present and accounted for !!

Of course you are... Future dolphins don't quit!


I have to admit, I have feelings.

That's crazy man. How does it feel? :D

I am still hodling.

I am save and present

I'm here 👻
Safe as can be, thank you ☑️

Posted using Partiko Android

Glad you are here!

Just a lull in the action.
You only loose if you sell when it's down... No sale, no loss...

Here and safe. And accounted for. Can't say I'm not disappointed ... but still. It's about time for another ambiguous post from the corpse of @ned talking about how SMT development is really coming along nicely, there are a bunch of great guys working really, really hard, tra-la. That'll make us all feel better. Never mind that it never worked in the past. Today is another day. Another try. Another ... whatever.

lol, I'm a bit disappointed as well. I think we might have a hard time recovering.

Steemitri The Mannequin is still here on the STEEM blockchain ;-)

A little over one year in this STEEM journey and still going! Yup, I am still here!


I bought btc at 200 bucks. We still in great shape people and a long way to go yet

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm safe alongside Steem, I believe! 😎

Posted using Partiko Android

I am here safe and not going anywhere.

I'm safe! If you check https://www.topcoinrating.com/profile/STEEM, we've been here before (May 2017).
Is it something to worry about, or is it time to get some dirt cheap Steem Monsters?

There was no safety really all the markets dumped

I didn't buy my way in so I guess I got nothing to lose ? But being here I do have people that invested and communities that count on me, and I'm not planning to dissapoint them. So here I am, actively upvoting, commenting and interacting. I'm safe and present.

Safe, present and confidently putting money where my mouth is as I bought more Steem to power up yesterday!

safe and present! even thinking of buying some at these prices- it's the lowest steem has been since i've joined. i will wait to see if it keeps going lower though. i think it's an opportunity, if we can look past this current pain. i see a bright future for steem.

I remember last time when people were rending their garments and tearing their hair when Steem fell to 89 cents. But people who are more senior than I talk about a time when it fell to 7 cents. (That'll put a knot in your stomach.) I'll wait around just to see if that happens. Again. Something in me is morbid that way.

Have to admit I share the morbidity...

!gif morbid

safe xD

I could have been orca on steemit today, just if I converted those coins to some stable currency and today bought steem with it.

Regret, regret everywhere

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@whatsup you get notifications for edited comments as well? Wow

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Hi @Whatsup
I like you, have resigned myself to riding this one out. I got in at 4$ Do I think I feel your pain.
But I keep telling myself that I think this is an amazingly undervalued cryptocurrency which although it is imperfect, it has a huge number of Dapps, more developer interest and activity then over 90% of the coins out there and it’s ability to make money while holding is bested only by high ROI master node and staking coins, which have the lifespan of a fruitful.
As one who tried so many of the rest of those coins I am still impressed, so I am holding.
It makes me think of this meme which I am sure you have seen before:

hahaha "mark yourself safe in the comments."

Your brain is goals.

a very useful work friend,i really awesome your post,@whatsup