in #cake β€’ 4 years ago

Just one word ....... "Uenakkkkkkkkkkk" "


πŸ‘‰ 200 gr of tiwul flour
πŸ‘‰ 3 large eggs
170 grams of palm sugar / brown sugar (thinly sliced)
πŸ‘‰ 140 gr coconut milk (1 sachet of instant coconut milk with water)
πŸ‘‰ if you like using 1/2 tsp sp / tbm / ovalet (I don't like it)

πŸ‘‰ mix eggs while expanding then add palm sugar .. + sp..Mix while expanding
πŸ‘‰ turn off the mixer
πŸ‘‰ pour the tiwul flour alternately with coconut milk. Stir the pke spatula
πŸ‘‰ Pour into the mold that has been smeared with margarine
πŸ‘‰ steamed for about 25-30 minutes medium heat (test puncture yes)
πŸ‘‰ Let it cool to room temperature. Remove from mold


Folow @wahyu

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