Why cancer is increasing in India

in #cancer8 months ago

Cancer incidence rates can be influenced by a variety of factors, and it's challenging to pinpoint a single cause for the increasing rates in India. However, several factors could be contributing to the rising cancer cases in the country:
Population Growth: India's population is steadily increasing. With a larger population, the absolute number of cancer cases would naturally rise.
Aging Population: As the population ages, the risk of developing cancer increases. The elderly are more prone to cancer, and with improvements in healthcare, people are living longer, contributing to the higher cancer incidence.
Lifestyle Changes: Urbanization has led to changes in lifestyle. Unhealthy diets, lack of physical activity, and increased consumption of tobacco and alcohol are all linked to higher cancer risks.
Tobacco Use: India has a significant population of tobacco users. Tobacco consumption, in various forms, is a leading cause of several types of cancers, including lung, oral, and throat cancers.Three leading cancers in India are Breast, Mouth and Cervical Cancer. Why cancer is increasing in India


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