Cannabeer super mushroom melt burger!

in #cannabis • 5 years ago

Time for Friday a treat!
Sure to impress and elevate
any canna loving guests...

Step 1 Ground beef mixed with beer. No egg...This burger uses beer. 😜
Pour in a good amount. I add salt, pepper, Worcestershire sauce and horse radish. Use your hands mix and kneed well.

Ball it up then flatten and shape in the palm of your hand...thick but not too thick. Know what in sayin...
Place your patties in the pan then I add two generous chunks of cannabis butter
Start prepairing your toppings. Mushrooms and onions, with a chunk of cannabutter.

carmilizing in cannabutter! Mmmmm!
Burgers coming juicy.
Top with cheese im using havarti. Then cover.
Prep your buns, I like them firm, hot and high😉
Topped with cannabutter of course.
In the oven placed on broil to tan the top.


Thats a tasty burger!

Cannabutter "I use that S#!+ on everything"

Time for bed...
Keep Steemin!


The infused mushrooms look good. I wouldn't eat a beef burger or drink beer, but the idea of an infused burger and dabs is great!

No Beer ! Today is St. Patrick's day. The Saints got your back. Beer is Instantly forgiven ;)
Thanks for checking my post. Hope you have a Awesome Green Day!

 5 years ago (edited) 

Great post man! The beer burger fascinated me.. and what was your bedtime treat there, is that some kind of hash dragged straight from kenya or something?! hahaha .. oh choco edibles?!

Does look like you could eat it! Ha That's some fine hashish.
From a Afghan strain grown and made in Canada the old fashioned way. Great for bedtime :)
Thanks Dude!

WTH... this must definitely be a tasty burger! :smirk:

Lol. No shit. It is tasty😂. Hints of cannabutter erreywhere. Not overpowerig. If you enjoy the kitchen. Which I see do! You will overtime make your cannabutter batches right and infuse unique tastes to desired dishes.
This enhances your recipies with the Many! Many! Various! canna flavours.
I got my idea from blogs @rebeccaryan she is Steems Canna kitchen...Add some bippiti, bobbiti, boo!
Thanks for checking my post dude!

Good lord, that looks amazing. I am all about everything in this post, lol

We definitely enjoyed it. So tasty!
thanks for checking my post.
Happy St. Patrick's I hope everyone @cannacurate has a excellent Green Day!

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